piandao nodded, "then we'll take you to him."


"here we are, welcome to old people camp" bumi stated, walking into the camp confidently.

Liara seemed to waver, her mind sti racing about aang. she was still worried about him.
she was unsure if he were alive or dead and the fact that she didn't know envoked a lot of anxiety in her.

"I'm sure he's fine," someone said suddenly from behind her. liara turned to see sokka standing there.

"yeah..." she replied, still unconvinced. although sokka's statement did give her a small sense of relief, the other worry began clouding over.

Liara was scared for aang's safety, yes, but she was mainly scared of his feelings toward her. she liked him.

she liked how his stormy grey eyes always seemed so happy. she liked how his smile always lit up a room. she liked his positive outlook in life.

she didn't just like those things, she loved them.

she loved him.

and now she had officially betrayed him. she had officially betrayed the boy she loved, and she couldn't make it right. she couldn't bring the fire bender back from the dead, she couldn't redeem herself at all.

the only thing she could do was hope that he'd forgive her for her crime, and that was unlikely. highly unlikely.

and she couldn't ask yao about it, because her brain was too busy to clear her thoughts and enter the spirit world.

the thirteen year old sighed and sat down on the grass. she was afraid and alone. she didn't have anyone to talk to, who would understand what she was going through.


Liara sat amongst the group the next morning, eating some rice. she still had crippling anxiety knaeing at her because of aang, but she had managed to mostly distract herself with soundbending scrolls and strategies for the upcoming battle.

as she ate her rice, zuko and iroh approached the group.

"master liara, it is lovely to see you in the living world." the man greeted the airbender, whom nodded in response, "you too, dragon of the west."

the rest of the group was confused, but let it go as the two firebenders sat down and began speaking of the battle.

"uncle, you're the only person who could stand a chance against the father lord." zuko said as he began eating his rice.

"you mean the fire lord?" toph stated, and zuko nodded, "that's what I said."

iroh hummed in thought, "no, zuko. it won't turn out well."

"what do you mean?" liara asked, her voice gentle.

"yeah, you can beat him," zuko pressed, but iroh shook his head.

"even if I did defeat my brother, and I don't know if I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war."

Liara clocked her head to the side. but iroh was good, wasn't he? it'll be fine.. wouldn't it?

before she could say anything, iroh began explaining, "history will just see it asore senseless violence, a brother killing a brother for power. the only way for this war to end peacefully is for the avatar to defeat the fire and restore balance."

"but aang is missing in action." liara equipped without thinking. she didn't realise that her voice was laced with irritation.

iroh gave her a gentle smile. "he'll turn up."

"so after aang defeats him, will you come and take your rightful place on the throne?" zuko asked.

"no," iroh replied. "someone new must take the throne, an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honour. it has to be you, Prince zuko."

"me? but I've made so many mistakes?"

"yes. you have struggled and suffered, but you ended up following the right path and restored your own honour. and only you can restore the fire nation's honour." the older man told his nephew, who seemed semi confident, "I'll try, uncle."

"you must go to the firenation when the comet arrives, so that when ozai falls, you can assume the throne. but Azula will be there, waiting for you."

"I can handle my little sister." zuko huffed, "but not alone," katara added, "I'll join you."

"where should we be?" sokka questioned, and Liara nodded, not knowing where to go.

"what do you think.?" iroh gave him a smile.

Liara spoke, "what about the airship fleet? we can take down their air power."

the others nodded and iroh lead them to a big lizard like creature.

"giant eel hounds are the fastest creatures. the airship base I'd on an island just off the coast of the earth kingdom shore, you should be able to intercept the fleet. you'll reach it within a dauly's journey." piandao told sokka.

Liara and toph were on one eel hound while suki and sokka were on the other. zuko and katara had taken appa with them to the fire nation.

Liara used a hair tie to put her hair up into a bun, so that it'd be out of her way while fighting.

she wasn't sure if she was ready, but she had to be, for the sake of the world counting on team avatar.

the wind in my sails | aang x ocDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora