An amused expression formed on Yudhishthir's face, his lips quirked at the end.

Bheem growled from behind him, cracking his knuckles, speaking with anger, "What a brat! I'll show him how to treat his elders!"

Sahdev raised an amused eyebrow, his hands crossed in amused indifference, "Bhrata Bheem didn't you use to throw pillows at Jyesht Bhratashri when he put you to bed?"

Nakul chuckled from the side-lines tugging Sahdev at his sleeves, "Yeah! Aru-da agrees righ-? Aru-da? Where did he go?"

Bheem's annoyed expression morphed into a concerned one.

Sahdev sighed, no surprise however was visible on his face.

How could he be surprised? When his sights were colored crimson.

( "The war has always been on going, it's only now that it's smoke is visible to you." )

Yudhishthir hummed at Nakul's question, "I do not know where, but he left soon after the announcement."

"Shall we look for him?"

Bheem questioned, his anger long forgotten.

"No, he will find us when he wishes to."

Nakul blinked in surprise at Sahdev, his little twin bro-bro, actually giving his opinion.

The usual status quo of their group was Yu-da being the mediator, Bheem-being the lovable hot headed idiot, Dev being the silent indifferent one.

While, Aru-da was to smirk, and sass.

( And the empty half dead look they'd gotten used to him from him past few days. )

And Nakul being the amazing chaotic and the most adorable Prince to ever grace the halls of this Castle.

And in appreciating himself he had missed what Yu-da said.


Not like it was new anyway hahaha.

Dev tugged his sleeves, "He said we should get back to our rooms."

........right that explains the absence of Bheem-da and Yu-da.

Tugging each other at the sleeves the two brothers made their way upstairs back to their chambers.


"Bhrata Duryodhan!"

No, Arjun did not, absolutely did NOT jump away from how suddenly Bhrata Duryodhan was handing him a lotus flower.

"I live here too, cousin. Or am I now not allowed to visit this temple? Why are you so surprised at finding me at the Lord Vishnu temple?"

I wasn't aware you worshiped anyone but yourself, Bhrata.

Arjun sweat dropped.

Remaining bowed in front of his God his hands clasped as if in prayer, his eyes closed.

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