A Love Not Returned

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~So many years ago, that I can't count~

"Your Highness! Be careful!"

"Ooh! Silly child, be careful!."

"Your Highness!"

Were the cries that rang amongst the castle of Ronya where the royal family resided

The young prince's shenanigans were, to the surprise of absolutely no one, while amusing to watch, extremely chaotic. The young heir wasn't someone who could be tamed.

And as the only person the young royal listened was currently occupied, thus the mayhem.

The kingdom of Ronya was extremely wealthy and prosperous hence no resources had been spared in the upbringing of the prince. And this was the reason of his untameable and flamboyant behaviour.

"Whoops!" the young prince thought as he ran with all his might( which was a lot mind you, regardless of what his sword trainer thought) and sought escape from his afternoon lessons.

Which wasn't his fault, even his dearest friend who was the most studious person the royal had ever chanced upon sought relief from them.

And well.........who'd want to sit at one place for five hours straight?

If his motivation to seek relief from his afternoon lessons( highly unnecessary in his point of view) were somehow inspired from seeing how his latest prank played out well nobody was any wiser.

"Uh! You silly child, when will you learn to that these lessons are for your own good." Huffed his teacher who had, by now, caught up to him.

"When you'll learn that my and your ideas of good are disturbingly different, old man. And farewell beloved teacher of mine. Let's never see each other again. Ok? Well, who said I asked for your opinion."

And with that the young prince disappeared in a gust of wind leaving his teacher in dismay

" What crime did I commit to get this one as my disciple?"

" The same I committed by getting you as guru." Came the prince's voice from who knows where.

"Prince Krishn!" shouted his guru.


People of now worshipped Gods as deities with no flaws and beings so far above the common mortal man. Never once knowing that these Gods were once mortals plagued by the same faults and problems that they were with.

Gods of now had once been human too. Wandering in the same plain of existence that the humans now do. Of course they led lives burdened with misfortune graver than what men of now can even comprehend.

It's a tale lost to history. One older than the Mahabharat and Ramayan themselves. Perhaps it was humanity itself that removed it not wishing to glance upon the painfully humane errors that their Gods committed.

Or maybe perhaps it was history itself that decided to forget it but whatever the case may have been the tale and it's authenticity hadn't been lost, forgotten-yes, lost-no.

The tales begins from a kingdom known as Ronya known for its prosperity and wealth. It's people were known as the Celestials. It was the lone kingdom to rule then, governed by the royal family and counsel that consisted of many not only learned but those who were wise beyond their years, or were simply capable of understanding the problems of the common folk.

Under the royal family they were three other major families as well. The first one was known as the Ikunavats. Possessing the powers of destruction. The other was the Vidhayak, possessing powers of seeing fate, but sworn to never disclose it. And the third and perhaps the least known ones were Kal, possessing powers to glance upon time itself.

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