14. Advit

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"What are you--"
" I think we should break up, this is not going work and I have to focus here and I can't ruin your life you should move on and focus on your life there, please don't call me, this is already very hard, now I can't bear you suffering because of me too.
I am sorry for being all obsessive and blunt and weird and lastly thankyou for loving me at my worst but now at I can't give you this, this advit is even worse than the one that was with you"

You don't know the amount of courage I had to build to say that to her over the phone, I would have died if I had to say that in real life.

I abruptly cut the call not wanting to hear her voice because it pained me, the way her voice sounded like her life just crumbled infront of her eyes, it pained me.

I am an emotional, sentimental idiot.
I had to do this, I would have ruined her if I didn't do this.

My eyes went blurry, after seeing her name saved on my phone In last dialed, I felt as if everything was turning blue, black and yellow, it suddenly felt like somebody hit the back of my head with a stick and my brain couldn't function.

There were so many voices screaming at the back of my head, I thought this stopped happening and it didn't happen for the past 4 years then why now?
I realized i am going to collapse right there, I tried finding somewhere to sit but I wasn't able to see and suddenly the voices stopped.


A sharp pain in my head shot up from my tailbone. I realized I had passed out and now was laying on the hospital bed, my face turned pale white like a momo.

I called out my mom, the nurse but no one came, I then grabbed my phone from the side table and turned it on only to find out 40 missed calls from shivaansh and over a hundred from Shivani, God!! her name shattered me again before I could think of anything else I felt like throwing my phone out of the window.

Rage had blinded my eyes and I didn't want to think about what all happened.

I had to come to my senses and take care of everything  for my father.
The first thing I did was call his assistant manager and talked about pending work that needed to be completed at this instance.

He came in an hour later with a bunch of papers.
I wanted to get out of the hospital but they had to monitor me so I could not.
I did not want to talk to anyone.
All I could think of was dad's company and how I had to save it, how I had to save what he made and how I had to show him that I am not that useless and he deserves a much better son.

My morals, my values, things I believed in didn't matter right now, the only thing that mattered were the well being of my parents.


Yesterday, I worked all night and got the paper work done for the very important project coming up and damn I was exhausted, my mental health had taken a toll on me once again.
And I felt like dying.

Indulged my self in more work because I didn't  want to think about her.
And over night this incident had changed who I was.


Ok guys this is a very small chapter because I just wanted to show advit's pov after the break up and since this was really short I'll give you a double update around 12 today if I could complete, if not then tomorrow

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