Part one (Childhood)

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Nevaeh MacWilson is a young lady born to a family who already had a daughter, who was three years older than Nevaeh. Their parents were Mary MacWilson and Francis MacWilson. Mary was a banker and Francis was a music engineer.
Francis was an irresponsible man who never care of his family but always went to chill. He always used his work as an excuse to go out and chill . Meanwhile Mary was a God fearing woman who took care of her family and didn't even complain about being the breadwinner. Her main goal was to make her children know God and also believe in Him which she succeeded to do. Ever since Mary gave birth to her children she had always been a single mother .
Nevaeh only met her father a couple of times before her parents divorced . Nevaeh was very smart. One day she got a call from her aunty telling her her father was very ill . Her aunty then suggested that Nevaeh together with her sister stayed with their father for a few days. Nevaeh didn't want to go but because her mother persuaded her to go she accepted it and left to her dad's house.
Nevaeh only accepted what her mother said only because the Bible said in Ephesians 6: 1 - 3 (children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right . Honor your mother and father, for this is the first commandment with a promise; that it may be well with you and you may live long on earth ).
When Nevaeh got to the house she prayed for her dad and because she had faith in God that he has answered her prayer her father was healed by the next morning.
After Nevaeh's father was healed. She had a quarrel with her dad that coursed him to curse her by saying that she is not going to make it in life and Nevaeh also told her dad she is going to make it in life no matter what, because she is blessed forever.
The quarrel.
Nevaeh together with her sister started a conversation with her dad and I the course of the conversation , Nevaeh realized that her father was raising his voice . So Nevaeh said politely dad please bring your voice down your still not fine . Her father got pissed and started to insult her and told her she was disrespectful . Because she is trying to call him a fool by teaching him what to do .

Moral lessons from part one.
1. Obey your parents
2. Don't let anyone define your destiny. Know that you are a blessed and highly favored child of God and what God says about your life is going to manifest no matter what the enemy thinks or says
3. Don't think you are too big to be corrected . Humble yourself always

Thanks😄 for reading this story I'm very grateful.
Hope you enjoyed it😄
I promise to continue as early as possible so please stay tuned😄
And know that God loves you and faith in God changes everything.

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