I forgive you

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Only one chapter! Characters may be non-canon. I tried to make them as canon as I could but I might have slipped up a few times.
He Xuan was in his Nether water mansion. He approached the side chamber. He came back after shortly sending Shi Qingxuan to the mortal realm, he threw Shi Wudu's head away. As he walked into the side chambers he noticed the chains. The madmen surrounded the chains, all crazy looks on their faces as they touched and hugged the chains. The madmen quivered in fear as soon as they felt He Xuan presence. They all scurried away. He Xuan approached the chains, the blood that splattered onto the chains was still there, using his finger he wiped off the remaining blood. Ever since he heard Shi Qingxuan say "I want to die." He felt immense guilt in his heart and his body. A pressure on his chest, so strong he couldn't feel like he could 'breathe.'

He walked away from the chains. He saw Shi Wudu's headless corpse gone. The heavenly official must have come and picked it up. A surge of panic quickly rose in his chest. He walked swiftly towards the altar that had the urns on it. He placed the fans there for Shi Wudu to look at before his death. As he approached the altar the fans were still there, the characters on the fans' "wind" and "water" all a mess, a few of the characters bloodied or gone. He grabs the Wind Master fan. It was broken and in pieces. He Xuan felt his heartache as he held it in his hand.
He grabs it and walks out of the side chambers. He walks into his bed chambers, a few skeleton fish swimming around in his glass tank. In the middle sat a table with a quill and ink. He laid the fan down on the table. After a few hours, he managed to fix it using different spells. His heart still ached but felt a hint of happiness as he saw the fans back together. He grabs a wet washcloth and washes away the blood and disrelish character of "wind." He grabbed the quill and dipped it into the ink. In an easy and swift motion, he wrote the word "wind." It looked identical to what it was before.

He Xuan grabs the fan and closes it, he held it close to his chest as he leaves his bed chambers. He enters the main area of his Nether water mansion. He approaches his side chambers and starts drawing a teleportation array with the leftover ink he had onto the door. He opens the door and enters before re-opening the door.

He is met with a bustling village, he quickly puts on a fake disguise. He holds the fan as he walks through the village, it feels a lot like Ghost City, with people running around, selling food, crafts, or whatever they could find and thought it would make a profit. He passed through the people until he heard a familiar name.

"Again, again! A-qingxuan!"

He Xuan turns his head towards the voice of the child, quickly moving through the people his steps come to a halt. His whole body froze. In his line of vision was a man with messy hair, he had on green shirt with tan sleeves coming out from the cuts of the green shirt. The same tan color on his legs with holes and scars mixed. He was holding a child that looked about 4-5 years of age. He Xuan could only stare, even if the man had a smile on his face, he could see his eyes. The spark he once remembered was gone, they almost looked lifeless if you studied them closely enough.

The man turned his head, his eyes locked with He Xuan for only a moment before the child grabbed at his shirt. Redirecting his attention.

"Shi Qingxuan.." He Xuan mumbled. The fan was still in his hand but out of view from the once Wind Master. He moved away from the crowd and away from Shi Qingxuan.

Shi Qingxuan turned his head again towards He Xuan but saw nothing but a busy crowd. He had an unreadable expression on his face before it disappeared, his cheerful smile on his face again as he started tickling the child.

He Xuan dipped into an alleyway between a few of the stores. His heart was racing. He was so scared but couldn't get the courage to give the fan to the Wind Master. He wanted to so badly but his emotions were stopping him. He stared into the busy crowd once again to see if he could sneak a glimpse of the Wind Master but he had already moved away from his original location. He Xuan shakes his head. One more time. He repeats that in his head a few times before stepping back out into the busy crowd.

As he stepped out his eyes scanned the area. He started walking not paying attention to what was happening in front of him until he tripped and fell face-first onto the concrete..

"Sir! Sir! Are you okay??" A man exclaimed.

He Xuan opened his eyes and saw the man who was checking up on him was Shi Qingxuan! He was dumbfounded for a moment before he realized he tripped. He was so focused on finding Shi Qingxuan that he didn't even think to look right in front of him! Quickly He Xuan gets up.

"I'm sorry, I should have been watching where I was going." His voice was monotone as always when he spoke.

He just remembered that the Wind Master fan was still in his hand. He looked at his hand and the fan was still there. Realizing that Shi Qingxuan was still in front of him he stretched out the fan towards the Wind Master.

The Wind Master was shocked.

"Is that my fan?" He asks as he grabs it from He Xuan hand. He opened it and for a moment He Xuan saw the sparkle in his eyes.

"Yes, it's your fan." He Xuan replies as he looks away from Shi Qingxuan. He wasn't able to hold eye contact without feeling guilty feeling.

The Wind Master didn't know what to do. He swung his fan around as he used to until he reached out and grabbed He Xuan's sleeve. He pulled him into the same alleyway he was in earlier.

"I don't want to be wrong, but are you Ming-Xiong?" Shi Qingxuan bites his lip as he speaks, his grip tightening on his fan.

He Xuan stays silent, he didn't think he was gonna be able to do it. I mean it was pretty obvious that it was him cause who else would have the Wind Master fan? He Xuan sucked in a sharp breath before looking at Shi Qingxuan.

"I'm sorry." That's the only words He Xuan could get out. Shi Qingxuan's mouth opened for a moment before closing, his lips curving upwards slightly.

"Ming-Xiong." Shi Qingxuan says softly, his gaze softens on He Xuan.

He Xuan was taken aback. He didn't know how to feel. Has Shi Qingxuan forgiven me? Even after everything I've done. He Xuan was lost in thought until he felt a tug at his sleeve again. He snapped out of his thoughts and re-focused his gaze.

"I... I forgive you He-Xiong." Shi Qingxuan says, his voice was soft but also a hint of sadness in it.

He Xuan eyes widen. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You do?" He asks as he stares at the Wind master.

Shi Qingxuan nods before smiling.

"But how? You shouldn't!" He Xuan snaps, he wasn't expecting to be forgiven, if anything he should have been hated by Shi Qingxuan, but he wasn't.

Shi Qingxuan drew in a deep breath. "I
can understand your reasoning as to why you hate my brother. He took your fate or well moreover I did but I wasn't aware of it. If I knew that my fate wasn't true and was stolen from you. I would have given up my godhood for you. I am not like my brother. I do not wish to use illegal ways to ascend to heaven."

He Xuan was speechless, he stared at Shi Qingxuan wide-eyed. After a few moments, he takes in a few deep breaths.

"I get it now."

Shi Qingxuan once again smiles.

"You understand where I'm coming from?"

He Xuan nods his head.

"I understand why you forgive me."

Shi Qingxuan got closer to He Xuan before wrapping his arms around his neck. He Xuan couldn't help but hug him back, his arms wrapping around his waist.

"I will always forgive you He-Xiong."

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