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Chirag and kattu brought dhawal home where everyone were shocked to see his state.
"Dhawal! what happened to him?"amba and amresh questioned chirag.
"Natasha!natasha!"dhawal started calling out.
"He himself throwed her out of the house and now he is calling her. We really cant understand the makwanas"pranali commented.
Amba looked at her sharply.
"Kattu u told that natasha is at home and brought me here where is she? I want to meet her."dhawal questioned kattu.
Katariya and chirag didnot understand what to tell him. Its a fact that they lied to him that natasha is at home to bring him home but what should they answer now. They felt helpless.
"Chirag take dhawal to his room"ordered amresh.
When they tried to take dhawal to the room he sat over there on the floor refusing to move untill he meets natasha.
"Oh god! What should we do now?" They thought.
"I think u should ask natasha to come once. "Hetal suggested.
"We don't need ur advice." Amba furiously shut her. The thought of natasha coming back only made her shiver.
Suddenly dhawal saw natasha descending down the stairs. He immediately ran to her.
"Natasha! You're here. I am searching for u since long." Dhawal started speaking to natasha.
Rest looked at dhawal confusingly.
"Dhawal natasha is not here." Chirag tried to make him understand.
Suddenly dhawal fell unconscious.kattu and bhaven took him to the room and made him lie on the bed.
"Don't know which black magic that girl did on my son!"amba cried.
Hetal cried helplessly. She always treated dhawal like her son. Seeing him in this condition made her weak.
Everyone dispersed to their rooms exept amresh.
"I made dhawal divorce natasha. But he became like this. What should I do to make my brother normal again."amresh thought.

The next morning
Pandya house:
Natasha is getting ready for college when her eyes fell on the mangalsutra she is wearing. Tears formed in her eyes remembering the divorce but she just wiped them and left to college. Her smile was long lost. The cheerful and bubbly natasha is missing.

Back to makwana house, kattu came to check on dhawal.
He saw hetal along with pranali and dolly arranging the table for breakfast. He looked around, to his luck neither amba nor amresh are not there.
He fastly approached the trio.
"Good morning bhabhis"he wished casually.they wished him back.
"Did dhawal wake up?" He asked them.
"No,katariya what happened to dhawal last night. Where did u find him. He said that u told him natasha is at home. Why"? Hetal questioned.
Kattu sighed and told them what happened last night.
"If dhawal loves natasha so much then why did he divorce her"pranali questioned.
"Thats what we need to find"said kattu
"Find what?" questioned esha and chirag who just came there.
Hetal explained them the whole thing. They too extended their support.
"Finding the reason behind the divorce is not a big deal. But uniting them is a challenge. Because dama told that she will get natasha married in next 10 days."esha said.
Everyone agreed.they went to dhawal's room. Kattu went inside whereas remaining people were listening staying outside
"How are u feeling now bro?"kattu questioned dhawal entering inside the room.
Dhawal just nodded his head. He remembered everything that happened last night and mentally scolded himself for getting drunk.but he cant help himself because he felt that it is the only way to forget his pain.
"Do you remember what you did last night?"questioned kattu.
Dhawal just nodded.
"If u love Natasha so much then why did u divorce her?" questioned kattu.
Dhawal just stayed silent.
"U have swear upon natasha" kattu said.
"Just tell the truth. If u dont have any concern or care for natasha then its ur wish" he continued.
Dhawal slowly started speaking.
"I never had any intention to divorce natasha. But when mots went missing I found him in an ashram. He refused to comeback with me saying that he cannot stay in the house if natasha stays. So for him to return I agreed to divorce natasha and made a deal with mots that he has to return pandya store back to natasha.I who never wanted to hurt natasha or see tears in her eyes even in my dreams became the solo reason for her pain and tears"dhawal cried.
Everyone had tears hearing this. Hetal silently went and sat on a chair. She knows that her husband doesn't like Natasha but didn't expect hin to act like this.
Rest are in shock too.
Kattu consoled dhawal and came back to the rest.
"How can amresh bhai do this? Its just pathetic"said dolly.
Rest were silent.
Esha broke the silence.
"We should convey this to pandyas then we can stop natasha's wedding."she said
"Yes but all of us can't go there because suman kaki is angry on us and if amresh bhai or maa gets to know about our visit to pandyas then we will get punished."worried pranali.

"Haa thats true. I and katariya will go and speak to them. If they are not convinced then u can speak to them on phone bhabhi." Said chirag.

Everyone agreed and they went to pandya house. Suman initially got angry seeing them but didnot say anything as they are guests and welcomed them inside. Natasha is not at home.
Chirag conveyed the entire matter to suman. She didn't belive at first but chiku convinced her that it might be true because he knows amresh well. Also he got a call from esha conveying the entire incident which happened at night and also dhawal's revelation.

"Your brother should be taught a good lesson"suman said.

"Yes kaki we have to do something and we are with u in this. But please dont say this to natasha because according to my opinion it will be good if dhawal himself brings natasha back and tells her the truth himself"said chirag.

Suman nodded. Kattu and chirag returned back to the makwana house.
"We should make dhawal realise his love for natasha. Then only we can unite them."said hetal.
Everyone of them are determined to bring nawal together and make amresh realise his mistake.

Hi guys. So hope u all are loving the story. There is a new entry pandya store. And me who is a big fan of nawal i am unable to watch them fighting with each other. But lets hope they unite soon.
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