Chapter 20

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A short scream of terror woke Kai'sa up, disorientating her enough to have the dancer fall off the bed. finally getting her self situated she made her way to the rappers room, already expecting this. Evelynn poked her head from Ahri's room, the diva staying in the leaders room for the time being to help saut any nightmares. kai'sa quickly waved away any concern, allowing everyone to go back to her girlfriend, as she reached the door. muffled cries could be heard and kai'sa felt her heart drop as she gently pushed the door open. "akali? hotshot are you okay hon?" the cries softened up slightly and a mmbled response had kaisa's ears straining. walking closer to the bed, kai'sa saw the rapper more clearly as her eyes adjusted. the young rapper was curled against the headboard, head buried in her arms, that were wrapped around her knees. gently sitting next Akali she spoke again. "hotshot.. can you repeat what you said?" akali gave a soft sniffle but nodded faintly.. "im so-sorry for waking you up.." kai-sa sighed softly and reached out slowly. when she made contact with the back of the rapper, she saw her flinch hard. retracting her hand kaisa sits in silence for a moment just studying the youngest member of their band.

after a few moments the quiet sniffles had stopped. Akali lifted her head up slowly and take a deep breath, putting her legs down and uncurling from her curled position. Kai'sa watched as the young rapper took in her surroundings, before resting on he dancer. freezing in shock, surprised that Kai'sa was still here. "yo-you stayed..? why..?' Akali flinched at the raspiness of her voice but watched the dancer as she reached out a hand to rest between them. Akali watched carefully before taking her hand gently, feeling herself grow steady. 'of course hon.. you were in distress.. i dont like seeing that.." akali adverted her gaze, blushing slightly, "you didn't have too.. but thank you..." Kai'sa smiled softly before pulling the rapper to her for a tight hug. she felt the rapper melt into the embrace a deep sigh escaping from the young rappers body as she relaxed. after a few moments of the calming silence, kai'sa asked softly. "whats got you so worked up anyway hotshot?" akali was quiet for a little longer, unsure if she should anser or not. kai'sa waited patiently, keeping her arms wrapped around the rapper.

"i-i...i-it was a nightmare.. about a bad time..." akali said softly, though didn't say anything else. Kai'sa smiled slightly and got up gently laying the rapper down agasint the bed. akali yawned softly, her crying earlier wearing her out. she curled up under the covers, though opened a eye to see kai'sa turning to leave reaching out she ently grabbed Kaisa's wrist before hiding her face in the pillow. "c-can you stay..?" akali mumbled softly. Kai'sa laughs softly and nods. the rapper moved to let her lay down, and Kai'sa did gasping in surprise as Akali curled into her chest with a soft sigh. Kai'sa chuckled and wrapped her arms around the small rapper and felt her fully relax as she fell asleep Kai'sa following shortly after.

the next morning found the two youngest members slowly. Kai'sa was the first to wake up, and it took a second to figure out why she was in the room of the rapper. gently, and carefully freeing herself from Akali and got up. making sure the rapper was still comfy before heading out, closing the door to a crack and heading downstairs to start breakfast. the sounds of the cupboards opening and shutting was soon drowned out by the sizzling of the pan as she cooked a simple breakfast. footsteps alerted the dancer that someone was coming, and a swift turn confirmed it to be Ahri. the leader of the group hair wild and ears droopy, still sleepy. "good morning Ahri!" the dancer said chuckling as she slid a coffee cup into ahri's hands. the leader took a sip and hummed softly. "morning.. what was that scream last night..?" "kali had a bad dream.. though it was handled fine. wheres Eve?" ahri chuckled softly, "i think shes still asleep." as she spoke eveylnn wandered in still half asleep. she kissed the top of ahris head before sitting beside her and accepting the cup of coffee that was slid to her. "hows Akali?" "asleep for the moment, though the smell of breakfast should wake her up soon, here yall go." Kai'sa was quick to serve out the plates to the other two, and leaded agasint the counter. "any luck finding a 5th member Ahri?" Ahri noddded, her postrue brighting slightly once shehad food "mhm, its a young artiest, vocalist here and she wrote some songs already, really good. i was going to emial her today to see if shes interested." ahri handed over the phone to kai'sa who took it with a hum, clicking on one of the videos she lsitened to the voice of the young artist. "wow.. thats really good. hopefully she can join, her vocals would be reat for the song!" "what song..?" all three heads turned to see the half asleep rapper walk in, her voice still alittle scratcy. Kai'sa was quick to give her a glass of water, which akali accpeted with a smile and drank slowly eyeing the oher two. "ah for All Out ablum. i was thinking of doing a song all together then each of us will have a spereate song." evelynn raised her eyebrow at that but quicly caught on. "ah so each would have a chance to show off. i see, whatcha think hotshot? want to show the world your rap skills?" eveylnn smirked at the very flustered rapper, who yelped softly at the nudge. "may-maybe? im not to sure about that ha.."

a ding cut the rapper off as Ahri reached for the device. she read the notifcaton and her eyes went wide. jumping up she smiled super wide, all her tails flaring out excitdly. "WE HAVE A CHANCE TO PREFORM POP/STARS LIVE!" ahri yelled, queting when the rapper fliched back eyes flashin with fear. Kai'sa was quick to reassure her, and stayed by the rappers side as ahri contiuned explaining. "it would be a live event, at a opened air concert grounds about.... 2 miles away! a few other bands would be playing as well but we are the headliners! this is insane!" "and a way to grow our viewing as well!" Kai'sa said mimicking th happy smile from Ahri. Evelynn just watched the gris chuckling softly, before her eyes rested on a figting Akali. KAi'sa noticed the gaze and looked tot he rapper. "ah wait.. its gunna be your first time appearing live hm?" akali nodded slightly. "b-but if itll help with veiws and publicty we gotta take it right?" akali said softly looking between the other three. "are you sure akali? there will be other times." ahri said gently notcing the rappers distress. Akali shook her head firmly. "n-no we can do it! i gotta get over the fear somehow yea?" Ahri smiled and texted back their manager that they would take it, then ushered the girls through breakfast so they can pratice Pop/Stars once more.

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