Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: As always, 9-1-1 and it's characters do not belong to me. Buddie would be canon if it did.

Part of 'Once Upon a Buddie' series:

Story 1: Turning Point
Story 2: Every Breath You Take
Story 3: Crash

Chapter 1

Buck was late.

That was what happened when your boyfriend was pulling on his deep red button-up shirt and all you wanted to do was pull it off. If it hadn't been for Chris on the other side of the door calling out that he couldn't find his shoes, Buck was sure he would have lost any semblance of restraint he had left. But as it was, he managed to pry himself away from Eddie to go help Chris in his search.

And so, Buck was late.

Maddie had told him to be there for six, and it was closer to seven by the time he knocked at her front door with a sheepish smile on his face and a bottle of red in his hands. She rolled her eyes at him but stepped aside to let him pass, a small knowing smile on her face.

"Nice of you to finally make it," Chimney greeted, taking the wine Buck offered before chancing a quick glance outside and looking at Buck with a raised eyebrow. He didn't need to say anything, the mischievous glint in his eyes said it all, but that didn't stop him from saying it anyway. "What? No Eddie?"

It was Buck's turn to roll his eyes. "We do spend time apart, you know?"

"You could have fooled me," came Hen's voice from the entrance to the kitchen, she leaned against the wall with a beer in her hand. "You two are practically joined at the hip."

"And that was before you started dating," Chimney added with a grin.

Buck merely shook his head, an amused smile settling on his face. "You said it was wedding related, so I let him off the hook."

"I don't know whether that's sweet or insulting," Maddie added, closing the door and letting go of a light laugh as she ushered Buck further into the house.

"Oh, I am highly insulted." Chimney grinned as he placed the bottle of wine on the table and picked up of a bottle of beer instead, holding it out for Buck to take.

Buck took it without complaint and took a seat in the living area along with Maddie, Hen and Chimney soon following. He didn't need to ask where Jee was, Maddie had already told him Mrs Lee was looking after her for the night so they could make some progress with their wedding planning. Though, why that involved him and Hen, he still couldn't quite figure out. Not that Buck was complaining.

He hadn't had much involvement with Maddie's wedding to Doug, and he often found himself wondering how much decision-making Maddie had been given. So, he would admit it, quite happily and with a grin on his face, that he was excited to help her prepare for this wedding as much as she needed it. And though Eddie loved him and would suffer through awkward talks of napkin shapes, and bouquet arrangements, and colour schemes, Buck knew it was not his thing. So, Eddie was off to his aunts for a meal with Chris instead, and Buck was here, with Maddie, and Chimney, and Hen, on the edge of his seat, waiting for whatever big news about the wedding preparations that Maddie and Chimney wanted to drop on them.

"So, you might be wondering why we asked you here tonight," Chimney started, motioning between Hen and Buck.

"Well, I was," Hen answered, "but now I'm starting to get a little worried."

Chimney held his hands up. "Okay, fine, I'll just come out and say it. We've made a decision."

"A decision?" Buck questioned, brow furrowing as he looked at Maddie then Chimney. "What kind of decision?"

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