Vol 3/Chapter 13: Misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

"The stuff served at the new angel welcome banquet didn't taste very good. This was still the first time I ate chicken legs after becoming an angel. Speaking of which, does this world have chickens too?"

"Yes, the ecology here is quite similar to Earth, apart from those magical beasts."

Nicola nodded and replied. It was normal Cyra didn't know since she hadn't gone to the outside world.

"Luckily you believe in the True Church. If it was Buddhism, you probably wouldn't have anything to eat."

Seeing her still licking her fingers one by one, I felt I couldn't stand to keep watching. Too irritating for the eyes.

"No way I'd join Buddhism. Those scammers!"

Cyra answered disdainfully.

"Don't tell me there's Buddhism in this world too?"

"Uh... No, there isn't..."

I didn't understand why she disliked Buddhism so much, but it wasn't important. The most urgent thing now was to go to the library. So I gave her a push and said:

"Alright, stop licking your fingers! Hurry and take us to find Reed. You want to eat right? The sooner we find Reed, the sooner you can start your meal."

"(๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑) Yes Ma'am!"

As soon as Cyra heard, her spirit was roused. She hurriedly rushed to the front to lead the way.

"How on earth did this chick become a priest?"

Seeing Cyra's back, Nicola whispered to me.

"Who knows?"

I was quite speechless too. Cyra gave off a feeling of being too unreliable. I also wonder who allowed her to rise to the position of priest.

"Maybe it was because she was pious enough..."

I was quite certain at least regarding her faith.

"But from now on, Cyra definitely won't be able to continue as a priest anymore. Now that she has become an angel, it would be a blessing if she doesn't get treated as God's wife."

Nicola said gloatingly.

"I think she will most likely change her name."

After what we talked about, Cyra should have realized the problem and would change her name which was too eye-catching.

"On the contrary, I feel she won't."

Nicola shook her head, expressing a different opinion. Suddenly, she looked at me meaningfully with a sly smile.

"Wanna bet on it? 100 silver. What do you think?"

"All our money is with you now. How to bet like this?"

I rolled my eyes, feeling it was unfair.

"If I win, you don't have to give me money since you don't have any anyway. If you win, I'll give you 200 silver, how's that?"

Nicola had it all figured out, but when she saw me simply stretch out my palm to her, she didn't understand what it meant for a moment.

"Hand it over!"

I pretended to be serious.

"Hand what over?"

Nicola still didn't get it.

"The money of course!"

I shook the ring on my finger.

"The storage ring is with me now, so of course all the money should go inside the storage ring. Safer than your wallet, right?"

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