Good guy

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When we left the Adventurers' Guild, the sky had already darkened.

"Thank you so much," I sincerely thanked Vivianne. She didn't need to come with us here. Not only did she bring us to Norvale, she even accompanied us to register and take the combat test. Back in Elara Woodlands, she had only promised to bring us to Norvale, yet she went beyond to help us so much more.

"Don't mention it. Now that you're my little angel sister, it's only natural that I, as the big sister, take good care of you," Vivianne didn't seem bothered at all, speaking matter-of-factly.

"Besides, you two angels don't have a place to stay tonight, so you might as well come back and lodge at my place," she added.

Nicola and I exchanged glances, feeling that she was being far too hospitable. But she was right that we had just arrived in this city and would be homeless if we didn't go with her.

"Alright, to be honest, we do have an ulterior motive," Vivianne sighed, seeing our hesitance.

"After all, it's rare to encounter angels. Becoming good friends with you two, especially Nicola given how powerful she is, would benefit us greatly in the future. As for Brennan and the others, having two beautiful angels by their side has made them so happy they've lost their minds." she consoled.

Although we knew those were just comforting words, it would have been impolite to dwell on it further after she had said all that.

"So where are we meeting up with Adrian and the others?" I estimated they should have completed their quest by now.

"Let's head to the rental house first," Vivianne suggested after thinking for a bit.

"They'll probably go back there after finishing up too," she explained.

She then led Nicola and me down a small alley to the right of the Adventurers' Guild. After winding through various alleys and making many turns, we eventually emerged back onto the main street, stopping in front of a weapon shop.

"Here we are," she said, leading us up a staircase behind the shop. "We rented the two rooms upstairs from the shop owner downstairs."

I saw two doors on either side of the narrow hallway upstairs. She opened the one on the right and let us in.

"This is my room," she declared.

"It's so spacious!" I exclaimed, surprised by the size inside.

The room was at least 20 square meters, with a bathroom. The furnishings were simple but tidy. There was a large bed by the window with a few plush toys on it. The whole place exuded a young girl's charm.

"Of course. It's a pity I'm often out with Adrian and the others on missions. I rarely get to come back and stay, even though I do like it here," Vivianne seemed pleased with her room too, lamenting that she couldn't fully enjoy it.

"That's why I asked you to come. It'll be nice to have company for a few days before you find your own place, since you currently lack money. Consider it a favor to me as angels are honored guests. I've always wanted to try sleeping on the floor too," she rambled.

"We couldn't possibly let you sleep on the floor," I quickly rejected the idea. Dealing with someone so kind could be exasperating.

Seeing Vivianne and I endlessly debating who should take the floor, Nicola shouted in exasperation, "Enough!"

"You two take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor. End of discussion!" she declared in a tone that brooked no disagreement.

Vivianne and I were both stunned speechless by this rare assertiveness of hers. I suppose she has matured after coming to this new world.

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now