
The prison walls seemed to close in on Technoblade as the months dragged on. The weight of confinement was compounded by the growing worry for (y/n). It had been nearly three months, and there was no sign of Philza returning to liberate him.

As the days melded into a monotonous blur, Technoblade's mind couldn't escape the concern for (y/n). He missed her fiercely, the absence of her presence leaving an indelible void. The obsidian confines of the prison became a cruel reminder of the separation from the one person who made him feel grounded.

Technoblade's thoughts often drifted to the promise they made outside the portal, the warmth of her embrace contrasting sharply with the harsh reality of the prison cell. He longed for the freedom to hold her again, to reassure himself that she was safe and sound.

In the solitude of the prison, Technoblade's impatience grew, fueled by the worry gnawing at his mind. He questioned why Philza hadn't come for him yet, especially considering the urgency of the situation. The impending three-month mark weighed heavily on his shoulders, a stark reminder of the time slipping away.

Amidst the uncertainty, Technoblade clung to the hope that Philza would arrive soon, bringing news of (y/n)'s safety and a plan for their reunion. The cell's cold embrace couldn't suppress the fiery determination that burned within him to be reunited with the one he cared for most.

Dream's malicious grin widened as he aimed his next words like arrows. "You know, Techno, while you rot away in this prison, who's to say what might be happening to your precious (y/n) out there? Alone, vulnerable, with no one to protect her."

The mention of (y/n) struck a nerve, a vulnerable spot that Technoblade sought to protect at all costs. The taunts turned into a dangerous game, and Technoblade's threat cut through the air with a chilling intensity.

"You can mock me all you want, Dream, but if you so much as breathe her name again, you'll find that even your wildest dreams won't save you from what I'll do," Technoblade growled, his eyes flashing with a fierce determination.

The threat lingered in the air, a silent promise that (y/n) was off-limits. The prison walls, though unyielding, couldn't contain the protective fury that burned within Technoblade. He stood firm, a sentinel guarding the memory of (y/n) from any harm, even if that meant enduring the torment of imprisonment.

Before Dream could reply Techno vanished, for a second Techno was overwhelmed by the feeling of free falling but it stopped almost as soon as it began and he was back inside the syndicate room, out of the prison.

Philza's usually stoic expression held a mix of concern and urgency as Technoblade materialized in the syndicate room. Before Techno could inquire, Philza spoke, his voice low and hurried, "Something's happened, Techno. Something with (y/n)."

The ominous words hung in the air, and Technoblade's heart clenched with dread. "What? Where is she?" he demanded, a surge of panic rising within him.

Philza hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "She was taken by pillagers, and they're headed towards Dread Naught Bay to sell her. I've been trailing them, but we need to act fast."

Technoblade's breath caught in his throat as the reality of Philza's words sank in. His hands trembled, a rare display of vulnerability for the indomitable Blade. "Taken?" The word escaped his lips, edged with disbelief and a hint of desperation.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now