Start from the beginning

taking a step back, y/n shrugs. "you got pushed back by them. i was behind everyone so i saw it."

one day, hyouma will learn one of his witchcraft methods and shrink him into one-hundred-and-sixty-two-centimetres. "oh my god, please forget that."

"i can't, i won't forget it until i know you're okay."

hyouma stares at y/n.

"what?" y/n questions after a minute passes. he tilts his head under hyouma's indescribable gaze.

with a sigh, hyouma treads next to him. "i'm okay, i didn't even feel anything. it's nothing serious."

"it is since it's you."

hyouma sprints.

"hyouma, wait!" y/n follows after him. "why are you running?!" he shouts, which is really, just his voice being louder than anything.

if hyouma can't have longer legs than y/n, then at least he has the speed to compromise.

hyouma widens the distance between them, going faster than he ever did in tournaments. "get away from me!"

"why are you getting farther?! the bell will be ringing soon!"

"it's six a.m.! leave me alone!"

"i can't! i've been following you around since we were nine!"

"i don't give a—what the fuck?!" hyouma yelps, his wrist in y/n's possession.

it has happened a handful of times before, but somehow, the warmth etches itself onto his skin almost desperately each time.

and so to speak, things remain unchanged.

"hyouma, wait." y/n mumbles, he releases his hold and hyouma's wrist feels nostalgic already. it's tingly and it's chasing after something hyouma isn't ready to consider.

"what?" he asks, turning to him as he smooths over the hair that his magenta hair clip isn't holding. hyouma might grow out his hair more.

"i think... i think we should go somewhere else." y/n says. and it's new because hyouma has never heard him sound hesitant like this. he's always so compliant and is stupidly stubborn about it.

"why? what's wrong?" hyouma tries to face forward again, but he stiffens when y/n pulls on his sleeve.

is it possible for an unmoving item to yearn? hyouma's afraid he'll find the answer when y/n lets go.

"it's just that... i think there are better opportunities for us." y/n mutters, breaking hyouma out of his reverie.

hyouma rolls his eyes. "what the hell is that supposed to mean? let's just go. i'm not walking around no more in this weather."

he turns to face ahead, y/n doesn't let go.

in the distance is a black cat with golden eyes peering at them.

"oh, look. it's a cat," hyouma muses, whistling about the blob of void underneath a bench.

from the corner of his eye, he sees y/n scoot closer behind him.

hyouma looks between him and the cat. "what's wrong?"

from the corner of his eye again, he sees y/n flinching.

"nothing. should we go somewhere else? i don't want to disturb the cat." he tugs on hyouma's sleeve.

"what, are you scared of 'em?" hyouma teases.

for the second time since their half-a-decade friendship, y/n flinches. "no, i just think it should get its well-deserved rest. it must've had a rough day."

HEART TO HEART. blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now