28. The prodigal son returns

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"Nothing" he says it quickly and looks away from me.

"For Merlin sake Draco" I stand up annoyed and sit down in the arm chair across from him "what the hell is wrong?"

He looks at me his face full of anger "why are you angry now?"

I roll my eyes "because you're being a child!" I throw my hands up "just tell me what's wrong because it's obvious something is."

He crosses his arms across his chest and lets out an annoyed huff "what took so long?"

"Huh?" I think for a moment before shrugging at him confused "what the hell are you talking about?"

He leans forward resting his arms on his knees, he focuses on me with his face serious "last night, what took so long? Why did it take you so long to send the message?"

"It was a fucking hard spell!" I feel defensive and angry as I lean back in the arm chair "of course it took me long, that's hardly a surprise is it?"

"I'm not talking about the spell. I'm talking about sending the message about it being done, what took so long?"

I shrug "I was spotted and made to join the wedding, I could hardly send the message in front of everyone could I?"

Draco stays silent and watches me with his eyebrows raised. He leans back also and undoes the bow tie around his neck which is already basically undone.

"Why?" I ask him as I think back to last night "why are you asking that?"

"You mean how do I know it took you so long?" He smirks sarcastically at me "is that what you mean?"

I huff "fine yes. How do you know it took me so long?"

His smirk drops and he frowns "I was waiting for you wasn't I? We all were, Snape your father and I were just stood waiting for your fucking message." Draco runs a hand through his hair causing it to stick up even more "eventually it got to the point where it was weird you hadn't sent it."

Dracos face turns cold "your father thought you had betrayed us. He didn't assume you were hurt, or you had been caught. His first thought was that you were a traitor." Draco sighs and shakes his head "he told me to go, to try to disapperate anyway, so I did. That if I saw you and you had betrayed us then I was supposed to bring you back with force."

I freeze and stay watching him as I think back to last night.

Draco continues on "I was there for a long time before you sent that message, I saw you." He pauses and looks away from me his jaw tight "I saw you with the Weasley boy."

"Charlie" I interrupt him my voice full of malice "his name is Charlie."

Draco looks back at me with a cruel smile "fine. I saw you with Charlie Weasley."

"Saw us doing what?" I roll my eyes "saw us talking? So what? I didn't betray my father!"

"I know that." Draco nods "I could tell you hadn't. You were just distracted."

I feel my cheeks go pink as I look across at him.

"I saw the way he looked at you" Draco continues on his voice thick with emotion "I saw his hands on you, and the way you were looking at him."

"You're being ridiculous" I shake my head as I grow angry "I was talking to a friend!"

Draco leans forward and runs his hands down his face "I know." He lets out a long groan before looking up at me between his fingers "I know and you're right, I am being ridiculous." He stands up and walks around the chaise lounge and goes to stand in front of the large window.

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