
I started to swim back with both scrolls inside one of the chests. It was kind of hard and it took me forever.

When I made it back to shore I plopped my body down on the sand facing the sea. I put the chest between my legs, my body, hair and clothes were dripping wet. I looked down at the chest and noticed a snake symbol on it the same as my necklace and my jacket. I the heard the whispers and they said something quietly enough for me to hear.

"Open it Shé nü, for you are the Legendary Giant Serpent of the West".

As I was processing what the whispers just said i heard a familiar energetic voice.

"Shé nü where'd you go, we've been looking everywhere for you!", he said as he ran to me.

"Whats that?", MK asked pointing at the chest.

"I don't know yet", i said.

"Its a serpent chest probably containing something of your grandmother's", Monkie said appearing from behind MK.

He reached for it, but i grabbed it.

"Don't touch it, its mine", i growled at him.

"OK jeez calm down", he chuckled.

"Something funny", i asked getting annoyed.

"Uh, no?", he said scratching his head.

"MK lets go", i told him, i really wanted to read these scrolls, but he was to busy fawning over 'Monkie King'.

"MK! Let's. Go!", i told him getting more and more angry.

"OK ok, I'm coming", he said as he ran to me and we left.


When I got I calmed down a little, I had no idea why I kept on having these mood swings and emotional outbursts. I had to pull myself together.

I sat on my bed with the chest in my hands, I was to nervous to read the scrolls, so I just sat and looked at the chest.

It has so much detail

Monkie King's pov:

I knew it! This girl was somehow turning into her grandmother,but how? I just couldn't put my finger on it. I turned into a bird and flew to her house.


Monkie King : hey Shé nü are you OK, you seem a bit off.

Shé nü: I'm fine!

Monkie King :c'mon are you sure you're OK?

Shé nü: I said I'm fine! Or our you just to dumb to get that into your chimp head? I'll always be better than you at everything and I don't need you, you mean nothing to me no one does

So do me a favour and get out of my sight.

*end of flashback*

I got into her house through an open window and perched myself on the ceiling light fixture.

I looked down she wasn't doing much, just holding the chest.

Just then her mom barged in and she quickly shoved the chest under her bed.

"Darling, you should eat up before you go to bed", her mom said carrying a platter of what looked like rats and birds.

I don't like to judge, I mean us monkeys eat ticks, right?!

"I'm not hungry, I'll eat later".

"Umm, ok then, I'll come back later then", her mom said leaving the room, obviously trying to avoid making her mad.

I decided to follow her mom as she was clearly hiding something.

I turned into a bee and followed her mom.

She seemed to be going outdoors. She walked on a pathway decorated with lovely flowers and statues of the Serpent Family. She walked up to what seemed like a Serpent Sanctuary.

As she came to a stop the huge golden doors of the sanctuary opened. She walked in and I followed. Inside there were statuses and murals of the Serpent Family and a huge celestial pond filled with, all sorts of fish and Lillie pads. Under each mural was the former Serpents' axes.

I placed myself inside a Lillie pad and watched her carefully. She walked over to Shé Zü's mural.

She whispered something and an astro-projection of Shé Zhü appeared.


"Wukong, come and meet my sister Shé Zhü".

"OK, I'm coming Shé nü, why are you so fast".

A huge serpent emerged from the ocean, while Shé nü and I stood on the beach.

"Shé nü! Up here" a person on the serpent waved.

The serpent lowered its head  and the person jumped of to meet us.

Shé nü ran to her and hugged her. She was taller and looked older than Shé nü.

"Wukong this is Shé Zhü, Shé Zhü this is Sun Wukong".

"Wukong, you mean the one who stole the staff from Ao Guang? Very familiar with who he is",she said as she looked at me with a disapproving look.

*End of flashback *

"Forgive me for bothering you, Aunt Shé Zhü", Nuwang said.

"Not at all, how is she?", Shé Zhü asked. I assumed she was asking about 'scales'

(I am now aware that having two Shé nüs' is confusing, sorry 🥺🥺)

"She is not getting better Aunt and the elixirs aren't working anymore , I fear the worst, and what if she finds out that her grandmother turned evil? How do I not let that happen?".

"Do not worry, I'm also trying on my end, my scholars are trying research on how the previous events involving my sister happened", she said with a reassuring look on her face.

I bet the answer is in those scrolls.

A/N thank you for taking the time to read my story, even though some of it is 100% cringe ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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