"Lid...?" You mumbled to yourself in confusion, not understanding what the voice was talking about.

Keeping a hold of the non-existent holding yours, you reached out in front of you with the hand still clasping the iolite. Your touch met something hard and cold, but it was smooth.

"Time for... my secret move!" The voice stated, sounding kind of proud of itself before making a weird noise. "Guwaahuuh~~~ There!"

Before you could even guess what the owner of the voice was doing, your vision flashed a blinding white. You flinched away, shutting your eyes to avoid being blinded by the sudden onslaught of bright light.

The space suddenly felt extremely hot, and you could hear the crackling of flames. Opening your eyes, you were finally met with something you could see. There were flames all over the small space you were trapped inside of, yet they weren't the normal colour, they were light blue.

"F-Fire?!" You screeched, scrambling around in the small space trying to escape the flames. You shoved yourself towards the wall in front of you, silently hoping it'd disappear, and you'd escape.

"Ok, ok. Gotta get..." The voice started, before suddenly stopping the same moment the wall fell with you. You tumbled to the ground; landing sprawled out despite the small distance you fell.

The iolite had slipped from your hold during the tumbling, landing a small distance away from where you lay. The hand you'd felt in yours was gone now, as if it'd vanished. You groaned, propping yourself up a little on your elbows. You winced at the light, beginning to blink rapidly to get yourself adjusted to it as you shook your head, regaining your bearings.

"WHAAAAAAAAA!!!" The voice screamed, causing you to flinch from how loud it was now that it wasn't muffled by the walls that kept you inside whatever you were in before.

"Why are you up?!" It questioned panicked by the notion of you being awake for some reason. However, when you raised your head to look at the owner of the voice, all you could see was a mess of baby blue and baby pink obscuring your vision.

You pushed yourself off the ground, moving into a sitting position as you swept your long hair out of your face. The first thing you properly saw since awaking made you jump straight off the ground.

"A talking raccoon?!" You'd seen raccoons a few times before, when they had come across your house and began to consume it, thinking it an easy source of food. Your mother had always taken delight in chasing the dirty creatures away.

Although, this one looked a bit different, scratch that, quite different. Its ears had little blue flames coming out of them, and its tail looked like a weird utensil you'd never seen before.

"Just who are you calling a raccoon!!!" The creature demanded, offended by the remark.

Its paws moved to sit on its hips as it tilted its furry head up, looking at you from down its muzzle. "I am the Great Grim!" It stated, closing its eyes as it spoke its name before looking down its muzzle at you again.

You blinked a few times in disbelief, trying to figure out if you were seeing things, especially after what had happened with the mirror back at the house on wheels. Speaking of that transportable home, where even is it and where are you?

The creature failed to take notice of your distraction from it as you looked around the room. It raised a paw up near its face, beginning to inspect its claws. "Well, whatever." It sounded bored, but as soon as it looked back at you, its eyes narrowed, and its paws dropped back down to its sides.

"Hey, human!" The creature snapped, causing your attention to shoot back to the raccoon-like being stood on its hind legs before you. Grim's definitely a guy.

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