Clowns 🤡

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TWS: mention of clowns, state of panic, filming for skz code, not proofread (sorry for any errors!)

"Step out, hello, we are Stray Kids!" Chan's voice echoed through the dimly lit corridor, setting the stage for the impending mystery. The members, adorned in a mix of anticipation and curiosity, gathered around him as he continued, "And welcome to today's SKZ Code where we will be..." Chan looked around, his brows furrowing. "I actually don't know. I think it's a surprise as we move along? I have a feeling it's some type of challenge..."The group exchanged intrigued glances, uncertainty lingering in the air.

Changbin, always ready for a challenge, cracked a playful smile. "Well, surprises keep life interesting, right?"

Felix, with his calm demeanor, chimed in, "As long as it's not too extreme, I'm up for it."Chan nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Now, let's embark on this mystery adventure and see what awaits us."The corridor led them to a foreboding entrance, adorned with an ominous sign reading "SKZ Code Escape Room."

The air crackled with an eerie energy, heightening the anticipation. As they stepped inside, the atmosphere shifted, enveloping them in a phantasmagoria of suspense.

A voice echoed through hidden speakers, resonating with a mysterious authority. "Welcome, Stray Kids, to the SKZ Code Escape Room. Your skills, wits, and courage will be put to the test. Are you ready to face the unknown?"

With a collective nod, the members affirmed their readiness. Little did they know that each challenge was meticulously designed to reveal their deepest fears.

As they navigated the labyrinthine corridors, a sense of trepidation lingered. The anticipation heightened as they entered individual chambers, each tailored to evoke a unique form of fear.

Changbin, unaware of the impending trial, braced himself for whatever awaited him.The heart rate monitors, discreetly fitted before the venture, served as silent witnesses to the unfolding drama.

Chan's voice, now filled with a hint of concern, echoed through the intercom, "Alright, guys, let's face these challenges together. Remember, it's just a game."

Changbin, entering his designated room, found himself surrounded by a nightmarish tapestry of grotesque clown figures. Their faces twisted into malevolent grins, and the dim lighting cast an eerie glow upon the scene.

His heart rate elevated as the clowns, initially appearing lifeless, began to stir with an unsettling animation. Their laughter, distorted and otherworldly, filled the room. Whispers, dripping with malice, taunted him, "You're in our realm now, Changbin. There's no escape from the fear we bring."

Changbin, struggling to maintain composure, navigated through the unsettling chamber. The heart rate monitor silently recorded the intensifying rhythm of his heartbeat.

Jisung's voice, tinged with concern, resonated through the intercom, "Changbin, your heart rate is off the charts. Seriously, man, we can stop if it's too much."

In the midst of the surreal ordeal, a playful voice broke through the tension. "Woah, Changbin, are you scared of clowns?" Felix's question, though delivered with a teasing tone, carried genuine curiosity.

Changbin, eyes darting nervously across the room, managed a hesitant nod. "Yeah, clowns... they've always freaked me out. I didn't expect this."

The chamber itself became a nightmarish canvas, the walls adorned with grotesque clown figures that seemed to leer at Changbin from every angle. The gory details on their costumes were shockingly realistic, with splatters of faux blood adding to the macabre ambiance.

Each step felt like a descent into an abyss of horror. The floor, patterned with eerie symbols, seemed to writhe beneath his feet. The air hung heavy with a metallic scent, enhancing the illusion of a malevolent carnival from his worst nightmares.

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