Chapter 62: Warlord of the Sea, Bartholomew Kuma

Start from the beginning

"HELL NO!!" The boys screamed out at the woman.

"Shot down by five people all at the same time?! That's 4,449 rejections!" Lola's crew laughed at her.

"Awe. After that many maybe I—" (Y/N)'s mouth was covered up by Franky.

"Don't. Just don't." The cyborg pulled (Y/N) back into his lap as she giggled through Franky's hand.

Zoro rubbed the back of his head, looking at the people in front of him. "There's really no need for all this 'thank you' stuff. It's like Luffy told the old man when we got here. We were fighting for our crew and on our own terms. The fact that you guys were rescued to was just a bonu—"

The swordsman got cut off by a crisp and clean smack to the face by Nami. "Hey! What's wrong with you?! Someone was finally showing us a little gratitude!!" The swordsman was set flying back from Nami's slap.

(Y/N) pulled Franky's hand off her mouth staring at the defeated swordsman in shock. "Deserved, but damn. Nami is scary when she's mad."

"Yeah! She's right! Let us thank you all proper like okay?" One man yelled at the swordsman, another one added in. "You guys might not have set out to save us, but we're still glad you sent Moria packing!"

"You are?" Nami turned to them with berry signs in her eyes. "Really??"

"I should have know." Usopp sighed from his crew mate's actions.

"Yeah! And how about we stand off by showing you where Moria's treasure is hidden." (Y/N) sprung up, running next Nami with berry signs lighting up her eyes as the men continued. "You guys can take ever piece we find! You sure did earn it."

"That's so sweet. Okay if you insist." Nami smiled at the men, followed by (Y/N). "You boys are too kind. Please, lead the way." The Victims Club was more than ready to show the crew to the treasure, but was stopped by Nami.

"Oh no... I forgot something really important." The worry in Nami's voice made (Y/N) look over at her in confusion.

"Important? Like what?" The (h/c) haired woman to tilted her head at her navigator. Robin innocently questioned Nami as to what could be disturbing the ginger so much.

Nami back to her crew. "Everyone this is serious!"

"I see..." (Y/N) looked up when she heard a strange voice. "My greatest fears had become an unfortunate reality."

"So it would seem." An oddly familiar voice talked back to whoever they were speaking to. Usopp looked up in shock, questioning who the man on top of the large broken building was.

Worry was laced in Nami's voice. "He's here..."

"I've seen him before." (Y/N)'s claim made her crew look at her in confusion. "He spoke to me during our fight with Oars... What scared me the most is that he addressed me by my full name."

Usopp questioned who the man was once more making Nami shake . "Everyone... stay calm and listen. Please. During the fight with Moria and the others, I forgot to tell you, but.. there's another one of the island... One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea." A shiver went though (Y/N)'s body from Nami's claim. 'J-Just how does a Warlord know I'm a Celestial Dragon? Did the other six know? Who even are the other four besides this guy, Hancock and Moria?!'

"Wait.. so he's.. one of..?" Usopp started as the rest of the crew finished. "The Seven Warlords of the Sea?!"

"What's going on? They weren't working together, so why will there be two of them here?!" Chopper frantically questioned.

"Of course all of this happens just when we finally chose a successor for Crocodile. Losing another Warlord in such a short time sets a bad example. Can you tell if he's still breathing? Even in the slightest?" The transponder snail questioned the man, but the Warlord calmly responded with a 'no'. "If he is in fact still alive, we will wait for his recovery and hope he can maintain his position as one of the Seven Warlords. We will follow up after such time comes. The dignity of the Warlords would be tarnished if we were to keep losing them so easily. It is critical that this news not reach anyone else. These damn Straw Hats are such a nuisance."

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