Start from the beginning

Venus reached through the bars, her hand grabbing Dill's dirty one before she held it. "You..." She broke down, lip trembling as she couldn't hold herself together any longer. She didn't care who saw her be vulnerable as she felt she owed it to Dill to be transparent. "you deserved so much better, Dill. And I'm so sorry that it was your name they pulled on Reaping Day." She let the tears pool, dropping down her cheeks before wiping them away. "You deserved to live a life in peace and I'm sorry I couldn't do more to protect you."

The young girl just nodded, quietly listening to what her mentor said but she would never understand the weight of her words. Venus saw pieces of herself in Dill. The confusion that comes with growing up in a world like this was very prevalent and triggering to Venus. Regardless of whatever personal stakes she had in the Games, she should have fought harder for her. Prepared Dill better for what was to come ahead. In a day or so's time, she would be forced to watch her die from either natural causes or senseless slaughter. That's something that would stick with her until her own life was taken.

"I'll um," She wiped her nose, sniffling as she took shaky breaths. "I'll let you finish your meal. Tomorrow, just try your best, Dill. Don't think about me in the Arena, okay? Fight for yourself and fight for your family. Don't waste any space in your heart on me."

Dill nodded again. "Thank you for everything." She spoke softly.

The girl squeezed her hand before letting go. Sliding her arm back through the bars, she brought her hand to her side and got up from the floor. As she turned her back, believing that this was the end, Dill's voice cut through the night air once more and fully broke her heart.

"Goodbye, Venus."

The mentor turned around, facing her tribute with the wild curls that just a few days ago was a stranger to her. She didn't want to say it back, that would mean that she wouldn't return to her family. That they would have to bury a child which is the unnatural order of life. But she couldn't tell her a lie. They both knew what was to come once the Games began.

"Goodbye, Dill."

Venus turned away quickly, her stomach threatening to throw up her dinner but she held it down. She was ready to return home and allow the remaining flood of emotions to be expelled in the safety of her bedroom, but, she faltered. Her heart telling her that her time at the Zoo was not finished. While Venus attempted to leave and cut through the crowd, her attention was drawn to Lucy Gray and Coriolanus.

Together they sat at the edge of the enclosure, Coryo wiping her tears with a handkerchief. They were engaged in a conversation that Venus could see was emotional for the both of them.

The thought that Coriolanus held feelings in his heart for the both girls absolutely crushed Venus. It wasn't a rejection but it might as well have been. Someone he only met days ago had changed his world and completely shifted his perception on life. Making him do and engage in activities so reckless that he never would have considered if he had any other tribute. While one aspect of his future was seemingly safe and protected by the Capitol, another was heading to the Arena in a matter of a few hours time with no idea if she would survive or not.

Coriolanus wasn't sure how it happened, but they both must have risen from the ground, both moved forward because he found her in his arms, her hands clutching his shirtfront, as he locked her in an embrace through the bars. Venus watched from the sidelines of the enclosure, jealously not present in her heart, almost a sense of sadness. Her emotions were unstable and had been since the hospital.

"You're all I'm going to think about in that Arena." Lucy Gray whispered.

"Not that guy back in Twelve?" He said only half-jokingly. It didn't take much analyzation of her ballad to understand it was about her loser of a boyfriend from back home.

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