chapter one

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Rain trickled down the window of Lyla Wood's window, as she ate another pumpkin pasty, they were her favorite after all. All that ran through her head was quidditch, it's all that ever had. Her next match was against Slytherin, and she was scared. Lyla herself was a Gryffindor, and you sure could tell. She was stubborn, loyal, and incredibly hard working. Her and her brother, Oliver were alike in that way.

Oliver Wood was born August 10th, 1977, and he was very happy as an only child. Three years later came Lyla, destroying his own child privileges. He grew to love her, and treated her like he would treat a brother. Oliver himself was a bit quidditch obsessed, so that's all him and Lyla would do on summer break. They'd fly around outside their cottage until their Mum and Dad would yell for bedtime.

The Cottage was very nice, and it was even placed next to a beach, so the Wood's commonly spent their days sunbathing and swimming.

Oliver had joined the quidditch team his second year, and been loyal to it ever since. He had been keeper and even eventually the captain of Gryffindor. Lyla had also joined in her second year, becoming a chaser. She loved the sport, almost as much as Oliver.

Oliver had graduated this past year, leaving Lyla all alone. She sat with her head against the window, thinking of all the ways this year would be different.

Suddenly a loud voice booms through the door, "Lyla Wood! Why would you not come find me."

Lyla turns her head at the familiar voice, glaring at the new redheaded presence. Ginny Weasley, her best friend.

Ginny and Lyla met through Ron, one of Lyla's other friends. Lyla soon found she enjoyed Ginny's company more.

The two had so much in common, their personalities aligned and they even played quidditch together. Ginny was a chaser, just like Lyla.

The only thing that sucked was that Ginny was a 5th year, a year below Lyla.

"Sorry Gin, I couldn't find you anywhere." Lyla huffed with a smile.

"Yeah stupid Ron couldn't find his wand! Bloody hell he's a nuisance." Ginny huffs while sitting down.

The girls chatted about their summers, even though they had spent practically all of it together.

"So Gin, Harry? Really?" Lyla smirked when the girl's face went red in return.

"Oh shove off Wood! I don't even like him!" Ginny scowls.

"Sure." Lyla shakes her head leaning back and closing her eyes, hoping for a quick nap.

Her peace was soon destroyed, she felt an annoying tap on her shoulder.

Lyla opened one eye, sighing when she sees Ginny's expression.

"What?" Lyla says gloomily.

"I'm really sorry about what happened between you and Seamus."

Lyla shoved Ginny away, "Ginny quit you know I'm over it."

"I know, I know. It's just I'm sure you're lonely." Ginny smiles, "Maybe it's time to get back out there."

"I'm going to the toilet." Lyla stands up rolling her eyes, "When I come back, we're done talking about this."

Lyla walks down the train corridor, not paying attention to where she was going.

She slams into a hard body, and feels herself falling backwards. A strong hand grabs her waist before she could fall.

Lyla makes a noise in surprise and glances up, meeting dark blue eyes.

"Watch it Wood." Theodore Nott helps her stand straight, "If I knew it was you, I would've dropped you." He gives her a sickly sweet smile.

Now Lyla could say Theo was just an asshole, but it was half her fault he hated her.

Theodore Nott and Lyla Wood had both been playing quidditch since their second year, and they're both chasers.

Lyla Wood liked to play dirty, and she may or may not have been the reason Theo Nott always seemed to fall off his broom, or get an unlikely injury during the game.

"Asshole." Lyla muttered aimlessly, even though he was already gone.

She used the loo quickly and began her walk back, saying hi occasionally to fellow peers.

She sat back down next to Ginny, and Ginny seemed to be taking a nap of her own.

Lyla could finally sleep, so that's what she did.

HITS DIFFERENT, THEODORE NOTTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant