Me and my OC's persona

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Hi my name is Anna. I love anime including Slamdunk. Slamdunk is my 5th favorite anime and my 5th favorite character is Mitsui. I'm in the 6th Grade (yes I am too young but you can't blame me. Wattpad is addictive). I live in the Phillipines and I'm a pure Filipino. I like creating stories in my mind. I'm really and very addicted to anime. Please vote, comnent, and follow me for those who read these fanfic of mine. Bye. Now for Jena~•~•~•~•~•~•

Jena POV (The picture above is her)

Hi I'm Jena. I'm a student in Ryonan High. My father is the president of Ryonan High. I'm a 2nd year highschool student here at Ryonan High. My best friend is Akira Sendoh. I mostly call him Kira or Aki. Sometimes I call him Sendou. I like to cheer for the basketball team of our school. Oh and just so you know, I'm the co-manager of Ryonan team in basketball. I'm not a cheerleader of them because the girls in my class and even from other classes and years hate me. They always say that I'm flirting with the players of Ryonan, especially Sendou. I just ignore them. I know they're just jealous because I get to talk to them without any hesitation. My dad wants me to have Sendou asy boyfriend but I refused because he's my best friend. Oops the class has been dismissed now. Off to the Ryonan basketball team's gym we go!!!!!!!

"Ohayo everyone!!!" I said cheerfully. "Ohayo Jena-chan!!!!!!!" all the players of Ryonan said. I saw Sendou drinking soda again. I rushed towards him. "Sendoh!!!!!!!!!" I hugged him tightly. "Ahhhhh hehe o-ohayo Jena-kun." he said calmly. "Is everyone here now?" I asked them as they nodded. "Good, now let's get practicing!!!!!!" I said as I punched the air and made the peace sign. They blushed for some reason which made me confused. Even Uozumi was blushing. "Why are they blushing Sendoh?" I asked Sendoh with an innocent voice. "Um Jena you're button is unbuttoned." Sendoh said as he points to my uniform. I saw that the button on my uniform that was on my breast was unbuttoned. The button was gone so I just let it loose. "Don't worry guys, I'll just let it loose for a while." I said as the boys spill blood from their noses. I laughed when suddenly... Sendoh puts his varsity jacket on me. "Don't go anywhere when your uniform is like that. There's a lot of maniacs here in Kanagawa. They might do something bad to you." Sendoh said seriously as I hugged him. "Oh Kira, I promise, I won't go anywhere like this without your permission." I said as I raised my hand as a sign of a promise. He smirked as they started their non-stop training.

"Okay guys don't forget to go to the gym early okay" Coach Takao said as he closes the door of the gym. "Hey Jena wanna come with us? Me and Uekusa are gonna eat at the Moji Burger." Koshino said as Sendoh shows up. "Um I think it's best if Jena goes to her house now." Sendoh said as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Okay then we'll just ask Hikoichi, Ikegami and Fukuda if they want to go with us. Sayonara Sendoh-san and Jena-chan." Koshino said as he waved goodbye. "Come on now, I'll take you to your house." Sendoh said as he grabs my bag and started walking. We were walking in the moonlight that time. I was getting bored so I hugged Sendoh and looked at him with my cutest beautiful eyes. He knows what I mean so he smirked and nodded. I grinned as I put my hand around his arm. We bought fishing rods and bait so we can start fishing. I grabbed my fishing rod and attached the bait. I threw the string with the bait towards the sea. Sendoh did the same thing. Sendoh was the one who told me how to fish. Sendoh is always here for me. He's the one that I could call whenever I have a problem. He's been my friend since I was Grade 1. When he decided to play basketball when we were freshmen, I supported him. I talked to my dad and he immediately registered Sendoh in Ryonan High's basketball team. My father assigned me as the co-manager of the team. And everytime they practiced, I was there to cheer for him. I didn't care if I lose my voice because of it. When their practice is finished, we go to the public basketball court near our school and we practice there. Sendoh teaches me how to shoot, dribble, and do techniques sometimes. Where ever he is, I'm there too. Too bad we didn't get to go to classes together 'cause I'm in section 1 and he's in section 11. He always acts lazy in front of class but when basketball's on the line. He's a amateur. That's why I believe in him. "Oi Jena-kun, how many fish did you even get?" I looked at Sendoh who was already packed up. His bucket was full of fish now. "Hey not fair!" I said as I dropped my fishing rod and pouted. He laughed which made me slightly mad. I walked out which made him confused. "Oi Jena!" I didn't care about his screaming that time. I suddenly felt someone hold my hand. I saw Sendoh. He hugged me tightly and replace his self in my place. I then realized that the reason why he did that action was because we were almost on the road. He was wet because a car rushed by and the water splashed into Sendoh. Actually, I was the one who was about to be wet but he saved me. I smiled at him and kissed him in the cheeks. He smiled as well. He puts his jacket on but he didn't put his hands on it. We walked to my house.

We were at my house now. My father wasn't here because of his business. My mother died because she had a hole in her heart. "Konbanwa Jena-sama" my maids greeted me. "Hello." I said as I bowed. Sendoh bowed also. I went to my room and changed my clothes. Sendoh was in the dining room. My maids were talking to him to comfort him. I tied my hair into a ponytail and went down stairs. I was wearing a shirt that ended on my knees and a pink short shorts. I saw my maids flirting with Sendoh. I laughed and went towards them. "Um gomen for interrupting." I said as I saw my maids bow to me. "Gomenasai Jena-hime!" they said in chorus. When they think they did something wrong to me, they always call me hime/princess. "Hehehe i-it's okay guys. I'm not mad." I said as Sendoh stood up. "I should get going." Sendoh said as he grabs his duffel bag. "Oh butlers, one of you guys escort Kira home okay." I said as one of my butlers went towards Sendoh. "Could you kindly give your bag to me sir?" my butler said as Sendoh gives his bag to my butler. "Okay I'll give you my bag but promise to give it to me when we're at my house now okay. I might not be able to play basketball without my uniform." Sendoh said as he chuckled. I laughed as well. "Bye Kira!!!!!!!! See you tomorrow!!!" I waved at him and he did the same. I got straight to bed after that.

My Sweet-Point Shooter and The Hot Cheerleader - A Slamdunk fanficWhere stories live. Discover now