The Unexpected Kidnapping

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The next morning, I woke up with a blank slate, completely forgetting about the events of yesterday. As I rose from bed, a sudden jolt of surprise almost escaped my lips, but I managed to suppress it. Making my way to the bathroom, I prepared a bath for myself. Before leaving the bed, I removed the bandages from my body and discarded them, then immersed myself in the soothing water. After a few minutes, I emerged from the tub, dried myself off, and examined a medium-sized scar on my hip. It appeared to be scabbing up, prompting me to mentally note the idea of covering it with a tattoo. Getting dressed, I descended the stairs to find my brother struggling with changing his children's diapers. Without hesitation, I decided to lend a helping hand. Once the diapers were changed, I disposed of the soiled ones and washed my hands. Glancing into the fridge, I noticed that our food supply was running low. Grabbing the keys, I hopped into the car and set off towards the grocery store.

As soon as I arrived at the grocery store and parked my car, I made my way inside to start searching for the items we needed. Thankfully, I had a grocery list saved on my phone, which always came in handy since we always seemed to require the same things. While I was browsing through the aisles, a strange feeling crept over me, as if someone was observing my every move and trailing behind. I glanced back, but there was no one there. However, when I turned my gaze forward, I was taken aback to find Gio standing right in front of me, flashing a mischievous grin that revealed her dazzling golden grills. My heart raced, and I instinctively looked away, attempting to distance myself from her. However, she unexpectedly grabbed hold of my arm, causing me to react impulsively by slapping her. The force behind the slap was so strong that it caused her to stumble backward. Fear consumed me, and I hurriedly completed my shopping, eager to pay for my items and leave the store.

After paying for my groceries, I hurriedly dashed out of the store and sprinted all the way to my car. Once I reached my car, I popped open the trunk and began loading my purchases. With everything safely stowed away, I dutifully returned the cart to its designated spot before hopping into my car and speeding away. Upon arriving home, I rushed inside and called for my brother and his friends to assist me with bringing in the groceries. They reluctantly set aside their game controllers, pausing the game momentarily. After successfully completing the task, my brother, in his absent-mindedness, forgot to close the trunk. Reacting swiftly, I hurried back outside and closed it promptly, as I noticed a mysterious figure staring directly at me. Feeling a surge of unease, I swiftly grabbed my keys, locked the car doors, and attempted to make a quick escape towards the house. However, before I could reach safety, they managed to grab hold of me, covering my mouth. Determined to free myself, I bit their hands, delivered a swift kick to their midsection, and almost made it inside until they forcefully pulled me down, lifting me over their shoulder.

I can't  believe I found myself in a bewildering situation as an enigmatic figure forcefully shoved me into the confined space of their vehicle. The trunk door slammed shut, leaving me trapped inside, my heart pounding with fear. The engine roared to life, drowning out the sound of my desperate pleas as I desperately banged on the trunk door, hoping for someone to hear my cries for help.

Ahmir’s Pov

As I anxiously waited for my sister to close the trunk of her car, I couldn't help but wonder what was taking her so long. I stepped outside, only to realize that she wasn't there. Panic surged through my veins, causing my heart to race uncontrollably. Without wasting a second, I rushed back inside the house, desperately searching for my phone. Confusion filled Big Bird's eyes as he looked at me, questioning what was happening. "I think my sister has been kidnapped," I blurted out, my voice trembling with fear. "I swear on my mama's life, I'm not lying," I pleaded, feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next. Kj's voice broke through the tension, urging me to call 911. With trembling hands, I dialed the emergency number and anxiously waited for someone to answer. A lady's voice finally came through the phone, asking for the address of the house. "It's 3457 Chestnut Avenue," I replied, my voice filled with desperation. She assured me that help was on the way, and I thanked her before hanging up. TJ's insensitive comment about seeing a thug cry only fueled my anger, and I shot him a stern look, telling him to shut the fuck up.

As soon as the authorities arrived, they wasted no time in initiating a thorough investigation, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to uncover any possible hint that could guide them to my sister's location. The entire neighborhood united as one, joining forces to raise awareness and circulate her picture, desperately yearning for her safe return.

Miracle’s Pov

The car had been in motion for what felt like an eternity, and I couldn't help but wonder when it would come to a halt. I yearned for the chance to confront my kidnapper, escape this dreadful situation, and never have to endure it again. Finally, after several hours, the car ceased its movement. However, to my surprise, they didn't open the trunk, indicating that we had merely stopped at a gas station. It seemed this journey was far from over, and whoever had taken me was incredibly foolish for not restraining me. The car resumed its journey, and another hour passed before we stopped once more. Exhausted, I succumbed to sleep, unable to keep my eyes open any longer. Suddenly, I jolted awake as the car came to a halt again. Instantly, I prepared myself to incapacitate my captor. As they opened the trunk, I swiftly swung my fist, connecting with their face and rendering them unconscious. Seizing the opportunity, I made a run for it, oblivious to the presence of others surrounding the vehicle. Unfortunately, I was apprehended by another individual who promptly covered my face with a soft blanket and carried me into a nearby house. Once inside, they dropped me onto a plush faux carpet, and I shot them a disdainful glare. A throat clearing caught my attention, and I turned to find Gio standing there, sporting a black eye and emanating a menacing aura.

My heart raced as she flexed her knuckles and cracked her neck, her eyes filled with a sinister determination. With a firm grip, she pulled me forcefully up the stairs, my screams and kicks falling on deaf ears. The sound of her bedroom door slamming shut silenced me. Standing above me, she unleashed a barrage of punches, each blow sending waves of pain through my body. As if that wasn't enough, she proceeded to kick me relentlessly. Just when I thought it was over, she lifted me effortlessly and threw me onto the bed. Stripping off her clothes, she crawled towards me, a chilling sensation of fear coursing through my veins. I endured the torment, fearing that any resistance would only provoke her further. At that moment, I longed for my brother to come and rescue me from this nightmare. Hours passed, and as she slept peacefully, tears streamed down my face. "Enough with the crying, Miracle," she muttered in her raspy voice, silencing my sobs. Exhausted, I eventually succumbed to sleep, my mind plagued with confusion as to why she had spared my face, opting instead to target my body. It was a perplexing and unsettling thought.

The sun had risen, and I reluctantly rose from my slumber, making my way to the bathroom to relieve myself. However, as I stood before the mirror, I was relieved to find no traces of bruises on my body. It seemed that the horrors of the previous night were nothing more than a terrifying nightmare. After attending to my needs, I ventured back into the room, only to discover Gio still peacefully asleep. It was then that I realized, to my astonishment, that I was inside the very house that had haunted my dreams. The kidnapping was undeniably real, but the absence of any physical harm was perplexing. Desperate to escape, I frantically searched for a way out, but to my dismay, all the windows were securely locked from the outside. Even my attempt to break the window with a chair proved futile, as it rebounded and struck me in the face, leaving behind a bruise that was now beginning to darken.

Reluctantly, I slipped back into the comfort of my bed, feigning sleep. As I settled in, Gio, my brother's close friend, instinctively pulled me closer, her arms enveloping my waist in a tender embrace. The warmth emanating from her body lulled me into a peaceful slumber, and amidst the tranquility, I couldn't help but acknowledge the unexpected stirrings of affection towards the person who had taken me captive - a perplexing realization that I might be falling in love with her.

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