Before: Part Eleven

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CHAPTER NOTES: Hello! I now plan on dropping new chapters every Monday until the story is finished, then I'll drop twice a week on Mondays & Thursdays to get you guys the finale quicker. I'm about halfway through this story(not posted works but what's written on my Mac lol) and I finally have the ending plotted out! I also wanted to say if there's any UK readers, feel free to comment or message me on TikTok (FantasyJune35) if there's any slang I'm getting wrong. I'm American, and I'm trying my best but there might be some inaccurate phrasing. LMK and I'd be happy to edit with the correct lingo! Lastly, the smut is quickly approaching... ;)

Hermione and Malfoy both ran their fingers over every inch of the stone floor and brick walls, but there was no hole, no door. They were well and truly trapped.

A message glowed overhead in green lettering:


It blinded her until it faded away, and they were back in the darkness. Complete, stark black filled her vision. Hermione stepped backward, a small yelp escaping her when she collided with the wall. She needed to pace the room and count. It wouldn't do to be blind and aimless.

Malfoy cursed colorfully before Hermione heard him slide to the floor.

This was where they'd ended up after the quidditch pitch. A room with no escape, and no light.

Hermione walked the space, one hand braced on the wall. Heel to toe, she began.

"'A reclusive truth'? What a kind way to word their request for our deepest secrets."

"Hush, Malfoy. I'm counting."

"I thought I was Draco now?"

Hermione blushed in the dark. She hadn't meant to call him Draco on the quidditch pitch. She hadn't meant to ever call him that.

"I haven't made up my mind what you are."

Nine steps before her toe brushed the wall and she was forced to turn.

"If you call me Draco again I might just call you Hermione, mi Amado."

Her stomach dipped at her name on his tongue. Fifteen steps before she turned again. She murmured an apology when she accidentally kicked Malfoy. After covering the third and fourth walls, it was an even nine and fifteen again. Hermione shivered.

"You'd never turn down the opportunity to call me something I can't understand."

"Oh come on, it's fun. It's the only entertainment I can get in this horrible place besides killing monsters."

Hermione sat as far from his voice as she could. The corner gave her the support of two walls. She braved a hand on either side. She swallowed.

She could speak her truth. That wasn't a hard sacrifice, was it? Surely it couldn't be harder than killing Hannah and Flint, outrunning Shadow Cats, and walking away from Yaxely's claiming gaze...

Hermione cleared her throat.

"Oh, here we go." Malfoy muttered.

"Sometimes I think I was sorted into the wrong house." Hermione said out loud.

Nothing happened.

"You have to scream your truth, remember? Fate can't free you if she can't hear you."

"Right. I forgot about lovely lady Fate." Hermione was glad it was pitch black so he didn't see her blush spread down her neck and chest. She knew he was going to mock her.

"Sometimes I wonder if I was sorted into the wrong house!"

Still, no magic moved to free them.

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