chapter one: oops, not mine

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𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗔 sat up in her bed, rubbing her eye. She walked to the shower. She tiredly got out and dried her body off, and slid on a shirt and some underwear. Tara dragged herself to her dresser, getting jeggings and put her hair in a messy bun. she walked down the stairs, unconsciously pausing on the last step. Her mom called her, snapping her back to reality.

"yes ma'am?" she told her that she was on her own for breakfast, she was going out with her friends. Tara nodded and began to make pancakes. "um-mom? Before you go, can the group come over today?" Her mom said yes, and Tara smiled. It was Saturday, which is why she was able to stay home.


I call the group chat and tell them they could come over. I had to persuade Liv to come over since she had to go visit her mom tomorrow.

(her mom is in Vancouver, they're in NYC so they had to pack bags)

I let out a sigh of relief as I felt the cold item in my palm. "finally." I opened the closet, seeing a small note. I couldn't read it in the darkness of the closet, so I set it on the counter. I began to read it, the group rang the doorbell.


"hey! " "hey, how are you? " Tara smiled softly as they occupied the couch. "so... any boys over?" Mindy winked. No, just a nice sleep. " "ugh. I hate that we only get 2 days off school. " "me too. We should totally sign a petition."

"shut up, " Chad scoffed, walking to the cabinet and grabbing a beer. "pass me one, " Wes said. Chad tossed Wes a small shot of beer, sneering. "oh my god. Chad. Gimme a beer, " Chad groaned.

"Get it yourself, lazy ass. " "Chad, don't. " Liv warns. "whatever." "hey, I was forced to come here. " Tara raises her eyebrow and puts her hands up. "it's not m fault you don't know how to say no. " "you could've just said we're throwing a party, "

Wes let out the ugliest laugh you've ever heard. "ew!" Mindy laughed, this time a bit more bearable than Wes' laugh. "Okay. So. I wanted to watch a movie with you guys, " Tara smiled. "sure!"

Wes said...a little too enthusiastically. Chad snorted. "Eager he is. " Everyone but Wes and Tara bursted into laughter.

"guys, stop. What do y'all wanna watch." "how about the conjuring" "my little pony, " "Dylan zippe!" Chad yelled excitedly. "EW! why that guy?!" "never mind. " Tara shivered, tossing Mindy the remote and cuddling up next her. "sleepy? " "cold, " Mindy nodded, letting Tara lean against her body. Hey eyes fluttered shut and she let her head roll onto mindy's shoulder. Their heads snapped to the door, the movement making Tara stir.

They all gasped as the front door opened, revealing a raven haired, pale faced, tall female. "oh, shit! Sorry!" she quickly closed the door, and Tara tiredly stumbled over to the door, quickly catching up to her. "hey-im assuming you're the new neighbor? And student? "

The girl nodded, and smiled softly.. "uh-yea.." Tara nodded understandingly. "well, my friends will be hanging until probably Monday, so if you ever wanna come over later you can. What's your name, by the way?"

"Amber. Amber Freeman. " "pretty name. I'm Tara carpenter, and if you ever wanna hang out with my friends, home or school, your welcome to. " Amber nodded, grateful for Tara's understanding of her mistake. "oh-wait. phone number? " Amber whispered softly.

"Um-if you want my number you're gonna have to come over, " Tara winked, closing the door and flopping down, exhausted, on the cramped couch. "new girl comin over?"

Tara nodded, leaning back on Mindy. "I think she might hang with us on Monday," she mumbled. "that's fine. Get some rest," Liv smiled. "I call sharing the bed with Tara!" Liv said suddenly, causing Tara to flinch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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