Part 1

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"Kar, where do you want these flowers?" Kimby shouts as she enters the room, arms filled with dozens of long-stemmed roses.

"Over here! Just scatter them around the centerpieces on the tables," Karlie calls back, her eyes gleaming with a mix of joy and anticipation. The rooftop restaurant, bathed in the warm hues of the setting November sun, exudes an enchanting atmosphere. Expansive views of the city stretch out in every direction, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the celebration that will unfold later in the evening.

Karlie has meticulously planned the evening down to the second. Taylor will be landing in New York any minute now, returning from business in Los Angeles. When she returns to their home, she won't find Karlie waiting for her, but rather a trail of handwritten notes and scattered rose petals, leading her to their bedroom where she will find a custom de la Renta gown waiting to adorn her body. Each note, written with love and care, will guide Taylor through the memories of their journey together. The final note, which Taylor will find on their bed, will ask her to put on the dress and meet Karlie promptly at 7 pm.

As Kimby expertly arranges the roses, Karlie takes a moment to marvel at the transformation of the rooftop space. The restaurant, with its modern yet intimate design, provides an exquisite backdrop for the celebration. The tables, draped in luxurious linens, showcase elegant place settings and flickering candlelight. A corner has been designated for dancing, with a small stage set up for a live band that will serenade the guests with melodies of love.

Karlie envisions the heartfelt toasts, the clinking of glasses, and the laughter that will soon fill the air as friends and family come together to celebrate the newly engaged couple. Every detail, from the carefully curated menu to the personalized touches that reflect the couple's journey, has been considered to make this night truly unforgettable.

With a final look around and a deep breath, Karlie addresses her sisters and mother who have been working diligently to transform the space into a magical oasis, "Okay, I have to go get ready then meet Taylor. I'll see you guys after the big reveal! Thank you for making this place look like a dream," Karlie says, her gratitude evident in her radiant smile.

The sun dips below the horizon as Karlie rushes to her office to prepare for the momentous evening. She can hardly contain her excitement, knowing that every element is perfectly aligned to create an unforgettable proposal for Taylor. The city begins to illuminate, mirroring the twinkle in Karlie's eyes as she envisions the surprise awaiting her beloved.

As Taylor enters the penthouse, she calls out, "Babe! I'm back!" She is surprised to be met by silence. Today is November 13th, the anniversary of when Karlie and Taylor first met. It has become a tradition to celebrate together each year on this day, and she fully expected to come home to Karlie preparing a romantic dinner, candles lit, and wine opened.

As she wanders further past the front door, she spots the rose petals along the floor. A smile creeps on her face as she reaches down, seeing the first note Karlie had left.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you, my world shifted, and my heart shouted 'there you are.' Happy Anniversary, my love."

With a tender smile, Taylor follows the trail of petals, stopping to pick up and read each note.

"The first time I knew I loved you was the first morning I woke up to you. You were peacefully asleep, bathed in the morning light, and in that quiet moment, I realized you felt like home, and I wanted these mornings for the rest of my life."

"Do you remember our first kiss? We were in Rhode Island, walking on the beach and it started snowing. The strangest, yet most beautiful sight – the snowflakes floating around us like delicate whispers of magic. In that moment, I knew you were my forever."

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