Chaper 61: The Fall of Gecko Moira

Start from the beginning

"And the shadows. We already used them against him and it wasn't enough. That was the best shot we had. Even if the Straw Hats could fight, he's too strong!" Another man spoke up making (Y/N) grind her teeth in anger and slowly stand.

Oars groaned before speaking. "That didn't hurt at all."

"DAMN YOU!!" A large pink haired woman yelled out at the gigantic zombie.

"He really is a demon, there's no way we can win! We're completely out of options. We never stood a chance. We'll be stuck living in this darkness forever. Forever!!" (Y/N) took out her sickles as she walked through the complaining men. "We gotta retreat. If we stay here, we're all doing to die. Yeah. Let's head back to the forest where the sun never shines. Back to the night forever." The men turned around to see both (Y/N) and Zoro standing tall, despite their injuries.

"I'm not sure how it was for Luffy, but Oars took one hell of a beating." Zoro spoke up first.

"I think it's time we finish this. Don't you?" (Y/N) smirked at the situation. She didn't look at her crew mate beside her, but (Y/N) knew Zoro was smirking as well.

"Woah hold on. You guys need to take it easy. You don't wanna die, do ya?!" One of the men in front of them questioned the two.

"After Oars pounded them mercilessly, they can still stand?! How could that be?! Are they some kind of zombies too?!!" The pink haired woman looked at the Straw Hats in shock.

(Y/N) glared up a Oars, gripping the handle of her sickles tighter. The men around them began to question where the other Straw Hats were, but their concerns were shushed by Luffy slamming his fist into the ground. (Y/N) glanced over at her captain. 'I knew he wouldn't go down that easy.' Luffy huffed a bit before speaking. "I'd love to give him just one more punch."

"Straw Hat?! You too?! What are you guys made of!!" The men behind them yelled.

"I can't move, damn it!! My body's too warm out to get up, right now." Luffy caught his breath before looking back. "Hey Robin."

"Yes. I'm right here." Robin called back out to Luffy making (Y/N) grin.

"I want to get up there." Luffy turned to his archeologist.

Robin smiled back at her captain. "I understand. I'll provide some footholds for you."

"I too, am still willing and able to help." Brook spoke up to Luffy, spooking the men around the walking and talking skeleton.

"Good to hear. I've already got a plan."

"Just as I thought." Nami yelled out to her crew. "Everybody's back up and ready for the next round."

Another man spoke back to the crew. "Wait... you mean these guys didn't even think about running away?! From the second that Oars stood back up again?!! They were all just getting ready for the next round!!!"

Luffy stood up, smirking at Oars. "Just wait."

One of the men shamed themselves for himself and his friends about to give up as Zoro called out to them. "Hey! It's about to get real ugly here, so get out of the way!"

"OKAY! GOTCHA!! WE'LL LEAVE IT TO YOU THEN!!" The bystanders took off running.

Robin used her Pierna Fleur ability to make legs stick out of the side of the tall building besides them. Brook carried Luffy and leaped on the legs to the top of the building. Nami used her climatic to create rain clouds around Oars, successfully soaking the gigantic zombie. 'Why did she—' (Y/N)'s questioned was quickly answered by Franky yelling "COUP DE VONT!!" (Y/N) looked over at the now broken building next to her to see the cyborg on a gigantic sub-zero wind cannon. 'Ah. I see now. This must be what they were planning when I was knocked out.' The (h/c) haired woman shivered a bit from the cold air bursting out of the cannon, but was happy when she saw Oars' legs freeze over. After a few seconds, Sanji came flying down and kicked the large chain behind Oars towards the gigantic zombie. The chain fell over Oars' chest, successfully trapping the gigantic zombie. "Nice! Good shot!!" Chopper yelled down at Sanji before looking at Zoro and (Y/N). "ZORO! (Y/N)! YOUR TURN!! GO OF THE STOMACH!"

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