Can we stay?

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The adults walked in a gasp themselves seeing the main room completely fixed up and everything was back to how it was before. "Did you two do this?" Amy asked. "No we didn't" Mario and Sonic said. "Then who did...." Peach said tearing up happily. Suddenly they hear a clatter in the kitchen and run to it. What they saw in the doorway made them smile. "Welp guess call me issac the snowman" issac said covered in flour. Rikilee giggles to herself while Skylar chuckles. "Bro that was corny" ash said smiling. Issac sticks out his tongue playfully and regrets it immediately tasting the bitter power. The others laugh. "Yuck!" He said. The adults silently laugh seeing their kids having a good time making breakfast and realize at the same time. "Did they fix everything?" Daisy asked when they gathered in the main room. "Yes they did I woke up checking their progress throughout the night" Aunt May smiled. "How?" Silver asked. "Why don't you ask them?" She said and walks into the kitchen. "Good morning kids" she said. "Morning Aunt may" they replied. "Let's clean you up issac" she giggled getting a warm rag. "Are our parents awake breakfast is almost done? Plus mark and I have a special surprise for mom after we showed them the main room" Michael said. "Oh believe me they saw the room" she smiled. "They did?" They all said. "Yes and how did you do it?" Pauline asked as the adults walked in. The teens explained everything from how it happened to how they fixed everything making the adults stand there in shock. "I think we only gotten maybe an hour of sleep?" Ivy said. "We did" Rutan and Skylar said. "Oh and mom....." Michael and Mark said walking up with same blue box. "Open it" they said. She opens the box and tears up while covering her mouth. There was her mother's snowflake all fixed up like it was never broken. "You really fixed everything I can't believe it." She said tears falling. "You guys really were right we lost the spirit at the worst time and we're sorry." Zapella said. "Yeah and we really don't want to leave. We want to stay and celebrate because we have no idea what next year is going to bring." Bonestine said. "So can we stay please Aunt Peach?" Laura asked. The adults look at peach who looks at the genuine apologetic faces then looks back to the fixed up room and then the snowflake. "I think I was a-bit harsh.... But yes you kids can stay." She smiled and the teens smiled hugging each other then peach. The adults laugh seeing her getting hugged. Mario held the snowflake as peach smiled trying to hug each teen back. "Sooooooo we still grounded when we get home after the cannon?" Chris asked knuckles, tails, and sonic. The three looked at each other then back at their sons. "We will reduce your two week grounding to a week" they said. "Understandable" the four said making their fathers chuckled. Peach takes the snowflake back and walks into the main room to hang the snowflake by the picture of her parents. "They really fixed everything up didnt they?" Blaze said. "Yes they did Blaze" peach smiled.

"Now let's go eat"

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