Chapter 1

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second fic omg?! Anyways Mikoto stuff bc he's my favorite and I have been thinking about nothing but milgram for the past few months :3

Ten prisoners plus two guards. The only thing separating them are metal doors, Es patrolling, and thin walls. Like, very VERY thin walls. Ever since the first trial's results, the entire prison has fallen into deep silence. The silence however would always be broken at night, the sound of soft sobs, tantrums, and heck even SNORING.

Speaking of snoring... the prisoners who were always closest to the sounds either ignored it to their best ability or gave a signal to the other prisoner to keep it down (via banging on the wall or just shouting).

A certain raven haired woman by the name of Kotoko was not having it this night.

*BANG BANG* "KEEP IT DOWN PRISONER 09!", Kotoko shouted, the sound of her banging on the wall and her powerful voice echoed throughout the prison. A few prisoners heard this, either waking up from their slumber or startled from their sobbing.

*CRASH* "AUGH, SHUT UP WOULD YA? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YA THINK!", Mikoto's voice could be heard shouting back, yet his voice was deeper and more scratchy. Unlike his usual smooth and kind voice, this voice made it sound like Mikoto was a completely different person.

"Are you asking for a fight Kayano Mikoto? If so, I'll come over to your cell right now and we can duel.", Kotoko threatened.


"PRISONER 09 AND 10 BE QUIET SO EVERYONE CAN SLEEP!", Es's voice rang throughout the entire prison, the once loud arguing stopped and went silent.
The prisoners were relieved that the loud arguing had finally stopped. Some went back to sleeping while some went back to sobbing in their cells throughout the night. Yet one prisoner was not happy with this result, and that prisoner was Kotoko (unsurprisingly).

She really didn't care if she fought Mikoto or not, but she definitely cared that he kept making loud noises at night. Not only that, it really didn't help that her cell was right next to his. The sounds of crashing, punching, heck even screaming from his cell was unbearable. Every night was HELL, she'd rather eat Fuuta's horrible cooking than sleep another night in a cell next to Mikoto's. She would have to confront him tomorrow.


The first to go outside was Kazui. Though he didn't get as much sleep as he preferred last night, he still had the duty of helping Es prepare breakfast for all the prisoners. Every morning he would make sure to get out of his cell at 5 AM and prepare breakfast by 7 AM. Mahiru collected everyone's preferences when it came to food, so Kazui's job was much easier using her guide.

The second to get out of their cell was Mahiru. Even though she is injured, she usually wakes up pretty early due to nightmares or due to the fact she tries to help make breakfast. Everytime she does attempt to help make breakfast, she is always sent back to her cell by Kazui so she doesn't try to hurt herself.

"You need to rest and heal up so please don't try to make yourself have more work. Leave it to us, do not worry.", Kazui would say with a smile, thankfully this works and actually does keep Mahiru in her cell.

The third to wake up is usually Amand and Shidou. Surprisingly these two actually keep their routine even in prison. Wake up at 6 AM, eat breakfast at 6:30AM, and then the time they sleep is at 9 PM. They're usually the first to eat their breakfast.

Lastly, Yuno, Haruka, Muu, Kotoko, and Mikoto come out to eat their breakfast. As for Fuuta, he comes at random times and eats in his cell. Usually they're breakfasts are already done by the time they woke up so they eat immediately.

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