Part 2 - Phase One

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Now that everything was set, Terry can start phase one of his master plan.

The only part of his plan that he was not sure about was taking care of Daniels friend, Lexi. Kreese had mentioned how she was also another reason for the fall of Cobra Kai and how she needed to be dealt with.

 "And that little friend of his, Lexi she needs to be taught a lesson as well." Kreese had spat down the phone. Terry smirked "You want me to terrorize his girlfriend too?" He asked. "She's not his girlfriend, she's just his little friend who distracted my boys and broke one of their hearts. I don't care what you do to her. Break her heart, break her nose for all I care. Just hurt her the way she hurt my boys."


Terry walked through the wooden gate to find Mr Miyagi, Daniel and a brown haired girl, Who he assumed was Lexi. "Excuse me, Mr Miyagi?" He questioned, making the three turn around. When Terry's eyes fell on Lexi, his breath caught in his throat.

Kreese had said she was a distraction to the boys and Terry could see why. She was beautiful and breath taking with bright brown eyes and wavy hair that framed her face. She had the perfect face and figure. She was perfect.

"Hai?" Mr Miyagi replied, shaking Terry from his dazed state. "My name is Terry Silver. My master is Kim Sun Yong of South Korea. My teacher sends his respects." Terry introduced Bowing to Mr Miyagi and him bowing back.

"John Kreese of Cobra Kai was our school's number one student. Word reached us in Korea only two months ago about what happened last year at the tournament. My teacher sends his apologies for John Kreese's dishonourable actions." Terry said before bowing once more.

"Accept apology." Mr Miyagi Replied "I was sent here to help John regain balance." Terry stated. "Hope you can be successful" Mr Miyagi said. "Unfortunately, I arrived too late. I buried John last week." Terry frowned, looking down. Lexi's heart broke at the sad expression on Terry's face. She may not have liked Kreese but he was obviously a friend of Terry.

"He's dead? What happened?" Daniel asked "His doctor said it was a cardiac arrest but I knew John better than anyone. Karate was his life and after he lost all of his students, it-it just broke his heart. John was a hero. He saved my life in Vietnam. War does something to a man. You had to have been there to know what I mean." Terry said, sorrow filling his words.

Mr Miyagi nodded. "Have been. Do know." He replied. Terry looked at him "442nd?" He questioned. Mr Miyagi nodded "Hai." He confirmed. "oh man, more medals of Honour came out of the 442nd than all World War II put together. I bet you've been there." Terry said. His eyes glanced over to Lexi and Daniel, both of whom watched the two men curiously. "Are these your student?" Terry asked. Mr Miyagi nodded again.

"You the champion?" Terry asked Daniel. "Yeah." Daniel replied "Our apologies to you too." Terry said, bowing at Daniel who bowed back at him. "John had vowed to came apologize himself. He planned... Look I'm sorry to interrupt your training." Terry said before turning around. Lexi felt bad for the man but she wasn't sure why. She didn't know him.

"Mr Silver." Mr Miyagi called, causing Terry to stop in his tracks. "Very sorry to hear about death of friend." Mr Miyagi stated. "Yeah. me too." Lexi finally said. Terry gave them a small smile. "Thank you. I never caught your name." He said to Lexi. "Oh, sorry. Names Lexi Mills." She introduced, walking over and shaking his hand."

Terry felt a shot of electricity shoot up his arm as he took Lexi's soft hand in his. She was even prettier up close. "Nice to meet you, Lexi." He smiled making Lexi's insides feel like jelly.

Terry was a good looking man, Lexi couldn't deny that. He was tall at least 6'5 making him tower over her. His black hair was tied back into a pony tail and his blue eyes shone in the sunlight, with something mysterious behind them. The blue jeans, white t-shirt and the grey bomber jacket he wore looked good on him. Wow really good looking.

"Nice to meet you too." she replied, trying to ignore the warm feeling in her arm. The two let go of each others hands, with Lexi nearly forgetting Mr Miyagi and Daniel were watching them. "I've got to be going now. I'II see you all later." Terry said as his eyes still lingering on Lexi.

"Yeah see you later." She replied. Terry sent a grin as he dropped his keys behind him and walked out the wooden gate." But before she got back to training she noticed Terry's key's within the grass. She picked them up before running to catch up Terry.

Lexi walked out the gate to find Terry searching. "Hey are these what you are looking for?" Lexi asked "oh yeah ha I wondered where they were." Terry smirked as he plan when along. "Well I hope you wont lose them again, I have to get back to training now but I guess I will see you around!" Lexi said before walking away back to the dojo.

As Terry was left standing by himself as Lexi disappeared, he was pleased with himself. Tricking Lexi might be easier than he thought, considering how easy it was to catch her attention. What was bothering him, though was the weird feeling he got when he touched her.

He shook his head. He needed to focus. It was probably nothing. After all she was a pretty girl, so it was understandable for Terry to feel a certain way. It didn't matter though, how he felt because this was all just part of the plan... right?


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed it. Only a smaller part since it's a filler for now. More action to come! 

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