[ 004 ] home, a place where i can go.

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chapter four, home, a place where i can go.
[ season one, episode three ]

BIRTHDAY PARTIES WERE NOT A THING FOR IVY RHODES. Sure, her parents put on huge birthday parties every year of her life until she left Florida but they were never about the celebration of their only child. It was a show. A way to flaunt their money by hiring numerous actors, renting bouncy houses and obstacle courses, having people cater the food, having excessive decorations. It was for her parents, not for Ivy. Once when she was young, about ten years old, Ivy wanted a princess themed birthday. Her mother just made it a pink themed birthday. It ruined her entire day.

So, now, Ivy makes sure that Cami's birthdays are all about her. She gets whatever theme she wants, whatever flavor of cake, whoever she wants to invite gets an invite. It's all about Campbell Rhodes now.

But now, as the 118 responds to a call about a bouncy house flying away with children trapped inside, Ivy isn't sure she'll ever rent another bouncy house.

"Adult male, down on the inside. We got three kids in a bouncy house." Hen says to them.

"Alright, we're gonna stage the trucks on that service road. Hen, I want you and Buck to repel down and anchor that bouncy house. Assess the condition of those kids, starts to send them down one-by-one in the basket, Ivy and I will take care of the dad." Bobby orders. "Chimney, you're gonna stay up here and work the wrench."

Chim turns to Bobby. "Hey, how come I never get to work the fun stuff?"

Bobby looks to him. "Workin' the wench is fun." He pats him on the arm. "Come on, Ivy."

"Sorry, Chim." Ivy mumbles as she follows after Bobby.

Seconds later, the four of them are harnessing up to go down the cliff. "You good?" Buck calls out to Ivy.

"Oh, yeah." She replies as she buckles her harness into place. "You?"

"Always." He says back with a grin.

Buck and Hen go down first. Bobby and Ivy follow. When they're down, Bobby and Ivy unhook themselves from the cables, rushing to where the father fell.

When they reach the man, his eyes find them. "Cameron."

"Sir, do not move your head. Stay still " Ivy says as they approach the fallen man. "You took quite a fall, man."

Bobby glances at her before turning his attention back to the victim. "Don't worry. We'll get your out of her as soon as we can."

"Cameron." He repeats.

It doesn't take as long as some people expect to get the four safe and on the ground. Ivy watches as the father reunites with his son and wife. She smiles weakly.

"Hey, you okay?" Buck asks her.

"What?" Her eyes snap to him.

His brows furrow. "Are you okay?"

She nods. "Yeah."

"You're lying," he states.

"What?" Ivy laughs. "I'm not lying, Buck."

"I'm not as stupid as I look." Buck says. His face drops as soon as he sees the way Ivy looks at him. "Okay, well, I'm not that stupid. I know you by now, Ivy, I can tell when you're lying."

"I'm fine, Buck." She says, she puts her hand on his arm. "I promise."

That's when he phone starts to ring.

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