"Of course I can."

"Then, prove it."

She raised her chin. "I will not be told what to do by you."

He was silent for a moment, his eyes staring into the deepest depths of her soul. "You're lying." She tried to protest, but he cut her off. "How is that possible?"

She took a step back, feeling cornered and vulnerable. Seeing her distress, his gaze softened and he raised his hands up. "Look, I promise not to tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me."

Something about the way he spoke, the way he looked at her, the way he stood made her want to believe him, but there was a small part of her that feared that he was just like anyone else who would try to use that information against her.

"I just might not have gotten them yet," she mumbled quietly, her eyes shifting to the ground.

"It's possible," he encouraged. "And if it makes you feel better, I'm not very good at using my powers anyway. I can barely do anything more than those little crystals I showed you"


"Yeah, it's a little embarrassing. Even my own father is ashamed of me."

She frowned, surprised that he was willing to share this information with her. Never in a million years would she have told anyone, much less a person she had just met, about her situation. But here he was, being so open and genuine with her that she could not help but feel a little more trusting of him. A small smile formed on her face which caused a wider smile to form on his. He offered his hand out to her, and she obliged, placing her hand in his and allowing him to lead her back inside the castle.

From there, the two only grew closer over the years, always trying to find time to spend together whenever they could. Zaire never told anyone, not even his closest companions back at home, Mara's secret, keeping it locked away in his heart that belonged to her. He loved the princess of Ignis, though she was not as willing to accept the love he so readily offered her. Deep down, Mara cared deeply for him in return, but she refused to admit it to anyone, even herself. As tensions began to brew between their two families, she figured that getting too attached to him would only end up hurting her in some way, especially with the unlikelihood of them ever being able to be together. Thus, she tried to close her heart off to him, not knowing he had already entwined himself into the very fabric of her soul.

One dark night, Zaire approached Mara's palace just as he always had, only to be stopped in his tracks by two guards.

"Is there a problem?" he questioned.

"My apologies, Your Highness, but you are not permitted to enter."

"I'm here to see the princess."

"That's not possible."

His eyebrows furrowed. "I command you–"

"You have no power here. I am sorry, but it is time for you to leave."

Zaire's frown deepened. He knew that getting into a fight with the guards would not end well for any of them, so he opted to back off. Once he was out of sight however, he made his way around the back to the garden where he had first met Mara. By that point, he had somewhat honed his powers, so he built himself a staircase of ice so that he could get over the wall. Once he was inside the garden, he searched for her until he finally came across her pacing back and forth and trembling to herself.

"Mara," he called out.

Her head snapped up to look at him, and an expression of fear twisted her features. "You shouldn't be here."

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