"Easton! Come look at this?" She said excitedly Easton walked over as he looked down at the ground, laid in a singular stego shed. They talked about how the shed was similar to a buck shed and the same behavior, Brooklynn from afar heard something strange, as they continued to look for supplies

Nathan POV

"FUCK!!" I shout in agony as my dumbass tries to get up off the ground, falling back. I look around, searching for Cinder, because he ain't doing shit.

I turn, looking for the weird space boy. What in the hell is he doing? He's floating a few feet up in the air with his legs crossed, as leaves, rocks, and other natural stuff nearby floats around him. He's meditating like a hippie. I whistle at him, and he opens his eyes, and falls, all the rocks falling down with him.

"What the hell, man?" He yells at me, walking over. "How do you figure floating is gonna help us get supplies for a shelter?" I ask. "It doesn't but-" I cut him off. "If I can't help, you better help out twice as much" I say. "Yeah whatever" he says walking away.

"You know, Asher trusted you. He put you in charge for a reason"

He stops in his tracks and stays silent for a second.

Sammy POV

We stumble through the jungle for a few more seconds before Brooklynn moves some leaves, exposing the open space of the medical center.

"Let's move quick, grab anything important, anything that can help fix Nathan's leg." Easton says. "Food!" Brooklynn shouts happily, holding a can of fruit she pulled out of a box. Everyone else walks over.

"I've never been so happy to see canned fruits an" I joke, picking up some of the cans and putting them in the bag on my shoulder with Hunter doing the same. "Finally, something other than frozen pizza!" Brooklynn cheers.

Allie walks over to another box and flips the lid open. "Guys, look!" She shouts as she sees the medical supplies in the box. I pick up a roll of bandages. "A compression bandage! This is exactly what Nathan needs... all 20 feet of it..."

I'm interrupted by a loud groan, a dinosaur groan. "What was that?" Brooklynn asks, even though she's as clueless as us. We all walk towards the noise and see a sinoceratops in a large cage with an empty bucket that is supposed to have food.

"This must have been a veterinarian station for herbivores" Allie assumes "They must have been forgotten about when the park was evacuated" Hunter frowns. "Like us" Easton mutters

Without hesitation, Allie and Hunter open the cages and freed the poor animals as Easton has a nervous expression. The dinosaur just sits there and doesn't move. "Take your time" Sammy pats "What happened to making this quick?" Brooklynn asks, wanting to get back.

"Things have changed, we have to free the dinos" Hunter states as Allie runs over to the stegosaurus cage. Easton, Hunter, and Allie pry the cage open.

There is a menacing snarl from another cage that frightens all of us. "This one seems meaner than the others" Brooklynn states. The dinosaur looks like a crocodile standing on two legs.

"That's a baryonyx" Allie informs. "Predator"

"No shit it's a predator" Hunter says as Allie pushes him. "What are we gonna do with it?" Easton asks. "Well it's kind of obvious" I say. "Yeah" Hunter agrees. "Obviously we should free it" Hunter, Allie, and I say while Easton Brooklynn, not saying anything, just says "Interesting"

Cinder POV

"Nathan?" I shout through the woods, looking for the boy. "Nathan!" I hear grunts and walk in that direction, seeing Nathan standing on one leg and pulling a vine down from the tree.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Your job" he says pissed off. " "The sticks are levers and we throw the vines over a tree and use it to haul the rest of the debris away" he lists.

"This looks like the opposite of what you should be doing, nothing" I argue. "Well, you were doing nothing so you covered that for me" he spits back.
"Come on lone ranger just quit the act and rest" I say as he turns.

"My mother died a little while ago, my father is in the army I haven't seen him in three and a half years. I'm the only child and I had to take care of a massive farm all on my own while racing just to get a scrap of money. I wake up every day before the dawn working on cars and herding hundreds of cattle just to hope I can get enough money to keep things running, you think I can rest? Some of us need to work, we have shit to do, you get off your lazy ass and do something, because I have to get back home." He rants, yelling with such a country accent I only understand half of it.

"Fine. We are going back and I will work, but you will rest" I order as he groans. I help him walk back to the camp. "Before this whole thing, when was the last time you had a break?" I ask. "A few years ago when I last went to school" he says. "School is a break?" I laugh

Brooklynn POV

"We can't free the predators!" Easton argues. "Why?" Allie asks. "What do you think, Brooklynn?" Sammy asks, bringing me into it.

I hear a weird droning noise again. "Do you guys hear that?" I ask as they all groan. "See, we got you three to two, majority vote, we free it." Hunter says. "Or we could leave it here but come back every day to feed it" Sammy says as Hunter looks at her. "Do you know how much meat they eat a day? How will you feed it?" He asks her as she holds up a can of peaches. "Peaches?"

"Well how do we get that much meat?" She asks, frustrated as Hunter nods to the sinoceratops. "No! Not Maria! Sammy cries. "You named- nevermind, we have to set them free, they should get to go home" Hunter states. , which we didn't even notice left, comes running back yelling at us to run. Not wanting to know why, we start running with him.

Two other baryonyxs run to the cage the other baryonyx is in and start communicating and banging on the cage. "Guys, let's go up here" I say as we start climbing the cage, but Sammy stays on the ground.

"Sammy! Free the stegosaurs!" Allie yells as Sammy runs towards the cage and opens it. "Get!" She yells to the dinos and they run out of the cage, running towards the baryonyxs, cornering them.

"Its working!" I celebrate. "We can't leave that one, they're family." Easton says, now wanting to free the baryonyx. We open the cage and it runs out, going to the other baryonyxs.

Nathan POV

Cinder and I rest against a tree, tired. We are almost at camp. A deep rumbling begins as we look and see the rest of the group running in front of a big stampede. "Get up the tree!" I yell as Cinder jumps up the tree and pulls me up.

The rest of the group climbs up the tree just in time as the dinosaurs run under. All of them sigh of relief. Sammy sits on a branch next to me and says "I guess this is why they built Camp C up in the trees"

We all look to her with an idea, why don't we built out camp kind of elevated, with support pillars. Everyone rattles off ideas for the camp before we get down the tree.

I lay against the tree at camp, doing as everyone told me, even though I hate it, as everyone else works on the debris and building.

"Hey Nathan?" Sammy walks over. "I found this" She says, holding my cowboy hat. I jump up and hug her suddenly, ignoring the pain in my ankle. She looks confused for a second before giving in to the hug. "Thank you" I say, taking it from her and putting it on my head, smiling. Far away easton had found Asher's pack and weapon laying in the debris, he smiled softly. From the bush not too far away a pair of yellow eyes watches the group.

Brooklynn POV

I walk around the jungle, gathering sticks for camp, when I hear that droning noise again. I drop all of the sticks and hold a big piece of plywood, I look around until I see an odd substance on a patch of pretty flowers, I walk over carefully, examining them, they look frozen. What could freeze flowers?


Ladies and gentlemen, it's been awhile, but we're back, I guess we just needed a bit of a break, I hope y'all are still excited for this, we certainly are, thanks for reading and see you in the next one!


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