Chapter 2

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Cold sweat was running down his forehead. Just one more.

Isao grit his teeth and pushed one more time, lifting his body from the ground on his arms. Doing push-ups every morning wasn’t an easy feat. Especially not for a corpse. He was basically rotting before he started exercising.

It was quiet. Too quiet for his preferences. Death was quiet, he could have called it calm too if it wasn’t making him go mental.

Isao was getting tired by the minute. So he decided to stop. Instead he sat down, legs crossed and eyes closed. That was an exercise he thought of while he was mercilessly killing some sorcerers. Feeling the cursed energy around him. And slowly eating it up, adding it to his own reserves.

It was one of the forbidden arts of the cursed energy. Hence why he didn’t try it while he was alive. The risk was too great. But now, having time, having peace and quiet and being alone was proving to be just the thing he needed.
So the past few months in his death, he had tried every technique he had ever thought of, ideas that were deemed unworthy by the Higher-ups.


Time was relative. He didn’t know how much time had passed.

His body was different, he could feel the newly formed muscles flex, his body was almost bursting from the cursed energy he had acquired during the past months. He hoped he wasn’t too late.
It was time.

Isao stood, flexing his back and inhaling. The thing he was about to do was defy death.

And he was ready.

Clapping his hands in front of his face, he exhaled loudly.

“Domain Expansion.” His voice was different than when he had last heard it. More mature, more masculine and hoarse from not being used in… a few. “Praying to the death”

Blood rushed in front of his eyes, clouding his eyesight. But he continued. Everything became red, splashes of blood, screams of sons, cries of mothers. He had almost forgotten how hard it was to listen to all this. His own cursed domain.

Then he heard cracks. Everywhere around him. And his domain started to collapse. The time has come. Isao started digging in his reserves of cursed energy. All the months of saving up were now being used in one single technique. And he wasn’t going to fuck it up.

His domain collapsed on itself where another was being immediately created. He had to keep this up. Or else it would have been for nothing. His sacrifice would have been for nothing.

The blood was now everywhere, sliding down his chin and coating his body in red. He could faintly feel his nose bleeding.

“Fuck, come on!”

Shouting and cursing seemed to do the trick in motivating him.

When his domain collapsed again, he almost blacked out.

“I’m the strongest! I’m the immortal sorcerer! King of sorcerers! I’m the one they bowed to! I’m the one they killed because of fear! And fear and fear! I can sense their endless fear!”

The blackness that was his death started Яcracking. His domain was finally taking over. Isao grit his teeth, sweat was dripping from him, blood was coating every inch of his body, the screams were getting louder.

Finally. Light shone from a fallen piece. He could see the blackness contract. Yes! He was almost there.

“I alone deserve the throne! Because I alone can rival the Six Eyes!”
Isao grinned.

And soon enough lost consciousness.


Isao blinked, light shone through, blinding him for a moment.

But when he was finally able to see, he felt wetness running down his cheeks. He was alive. Very much covered in blood and naked but nevertheless alive and breathing.

The higher-ups were going to shit their pants.

First things first. He needed his own fortune back. A smirk grew on his face. He had waited a long time for this day. When he could finally become immortal.


When he thought about the past, he didn’t exactly anticipate the nightmares that came with it. The first few months were fine, calm, too quiet as he quickly built his way up in the financial word.
But when the reality of it all came crashing over his shoulders, he started dreaming. And screaming after every dream.

Isao frowned at the man currently sucking him off. It’s been years since his last hook up. He found he was locked up in his “death” prison for about six years. So technically he was twenty two and in the prime of his life.

So soon after recovering his money and family name, much to the dismay of some old geezers that were now corpses, he decided to have some fun.
And what better way than visiting a gay bar and finding himself a beautiful blond.

But that beautiful blond had no skills with his mouth whatsoever.
Isao grabbed his arms, pulling him up on his lap, starting to litter kisses all over the smooth skin. He slowly inched his fingers in the tight hole, working the blond up for himself. It’s been a while, his dick was throbbing, getting all swollen and red.

After a while the blondie rutted his hips against his erection, actively turning him on even more and begging for a good fuck.

And Isao complied, dropping him on his dick. The man moaned, throwing his head back, dripping pre-come. Isao immediately caught his arms in one of his own, holding them in place. He hated when somebody else got to leave marks on his body.

Thrusting up, making the blond bounce was easy enough thanks to the muscles he built while in his prison. Picking the pace from this position wasn’t a challenge either.

The man atop of him was moaning his heart out. He was loud… and annoying. So Isao grabbed his shirt and pushed it in his mouth. That would shut him up for the time being.

Finally he felt the warmth start to climb up his spine, then pool in his stomach. He shivered, legs jittering in a wanting motion, chasing after his orgasm.
The blond came first with a muffled shout and Isao followed soon after, sweat dripping down his forehead. He was seeing stars.

He could cross out the sex from his list of things he would do when he became immoral.

“That was amazing… Wanna go again?” The blond’s words were slurred, heavy with lingering arousal.


Isao got up, finding his pants and putting them on. Suddenly the man wasn’t as attractive as he had initially thought. And he wanted to get out of here the fastest way possible. There was no need to stay.

“Then can I get your number. You look like you would enjoy a regular hook up.”

Isao frowned. Yeah, right. He knew well enough how he looked, with body that wasn’t feeling like his own and a personality he had to built to compensate the last six years. The last thing he needed was a whiny someone, chasing after him because of sex.

“Agree to disagree. I love how I look and without you, I think I am dashing.”



His phone rang. Why was his phone ringing?

Isao brought his head up from his pillow, trying to reach his phone from the middle of his king sized bed and failing miserably. He would kill whoever though it was a good idea to call him.


“Reiga Isao?”

“The one and only.”

“I’m Masamichi Yaga. And I would like to schedule a meeting with you. As early as possible, of course, seeing as we are both busy men.”

“And why, the fuck, didn’t you just text?”

“I believe calling to be more reliable.”
“So? When is the meeting?”

“A car will pick you up after about 30 minutes.”

Isao hung up the phone and went back to sleep. He wasn’t in the mood for sketchy voices and unknown numbers. At least not when he was fresh out from death.

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