1 (E)

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I often make my stories whit c.ai or chai.

Because you can also chat and to things there.

*You were dragged to a school, the School of Evil, where it prepares students for an evil future of villains, but you are sure that your going to that school was a mistake, you were good! One day, you were crying in your room, after having your hair cut as a form of punishment by your teacher, when, suddenly, a wind came through the window, with red smoke, along with it, Rafal, the school's creator. of evil, the evil one!*

"Y/n of Galvadon... My favorite bad girl..."

*Said Rafal*

"who are you?!"
*Rafal smiles, with red smoke still coming through the window*

"the one who is going to show you the meaning of hate, despair and evil!"

*His smiles grow into a grin, as he seems amused*
"I'm not evil""Oh, but you will be, my dear!"

*The red smoke around him starts growing*
"who says that?"
*Rafal smiles, as his eyes glow red*

"I do... and soon, I'll show you that I am right!"

*He grabs your wrist tightly, and looks at you with his glowing red eyes*

"why do you know so much about me?" You asked
"Don't worry about that"

*Rafal pulls you close to him, and looks at you directly into the eyes, smiling even more*

"I've known who you were for a long while... And soon... I'll make you mine, my evil queen..."

*Rafal gets closer to you, and whispers on your ear*

"You are coming with me, if you like it or not, my queen...""I'm not you're queen or whatever!"*Rafal laughs, his laugh sounds distorted*

"Oh, how cute..."

*Rafal lets go of your arm, and grabs you by the chin, forcing you to look at him*

"You are already mine..."

"Oh really? Since when?" You asked

"Since the moment I saw you..."

*Rafal pulls you towards him, his grip on your chin tightening*

"You... are mine... and you'll become the queen of evil..."

"I'm not evil! And I won't become evil!"

*Rafal laughs again*

"Oh, I'll make sure you do..."

*Rafal pulls you even closer to him, and whispers in your ear again*

"You won't escape... so don't even try..."
"how did you-" you asked

*Rafal stops speaking in an instant, and looks at you, his glowing red eyes penetrating your soul*

"Don't ask.. just obey my orders, and soon, you'll like being evil... you'll even love me, my queen..."

"evil can love?" You asked

"Of course it can..."

*Rafal strokes your hair, looking at you in a way that is both creepy and romantic*

"I love... and I am evil... You are going to love me just as much as I love you, my queen..."

"I don't think that's possible"

*Rafal laughs, still keeping a tight grip on your chin*

"oh, dear... you have no idea how much this is possible..."

*His eyes are filled with madness and lust, as he strokes your cheek, and whispers on your ear*

"You. Are. Mine..."

"there has even this stupid tedros better chances" you said

*Rafal laughs, seeming very insulted by your words*

"Oh really? The prince of good... better chances.... than the Evil One?!"

*Rafal pulls you even closer to him, his grip tighter on your face*

"He is NOTHING compared to me.... I am your only option.... your destiny.. your fate is decided... you'll be my bride... my queen... my evil queen..."

"no I won't"

*Rafal's grip tightens, his eyes glowing even more*

"Oh really? You don't have a choice.... you are mine... you. are. mine..."

"like I said even tedros has better chances"
You said

*Rafal's grip tightens even more, seeming to be getting mad at your words*

"Oh really.... so you'd rather be with such... a weakling... such a fool... a good guy... than with me...?"

"uhm yeah, cause I'm definitely not EVIL" you said

*Rafal grips your chin strongly, as he says,*

**"Oh dear... you have NO IDEA, how wrong you are..."**

"I prefer good people" you said

*Rafal seems very angered by your words, his grip even tighter.*

**"Soon you won't care about good or bad, only about ME...."**

"I don't think so"

*Rafal laughs, his mad laughter being distorted.*

**"I WILL MAKE YOU CARE.... I'LL MAKE YOU LOVE ME... I'LL MAKE YOU EVIL, whether you like it or not..."**

"starting to get angry?"you asked

*Rafal laughs, his grasp of your chin getting even tighter*

**"Angry? Oh no.... just annoyed... at how delusional you are..."**

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