Fleeting Decision

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The title fits the story and I can not only understand the reason why you choosed it following the definition you provided on the blurb, but also because of the nature or debt of your story.




It is well designed, congrats cuz it gives the reader the desire to read. From the color we can see the story is a fantasy one and fans of this genre will only be glad.


The fact that I didn't read the 3 previous books, I thought it would be difficult for me to understand where you are leading me with that story, but to my surprise, I was wrong. The way you wrote the blurb so well and straight to the point only made me want to read your story.

General Overview:

Surprisingly and though I'm one of the rare persons on this Earth who haven't watched the hunger games, I found myself in total admiration for this story and it's character on the 6 chapteee I have read.

At the very beginning, we find the story very catching when Eunice recount to us the bullying she went through, depression she faced for constantly seeing herself as a disappointment. Nicely enough, we end the chapter with a reassuring note that she somehow succeeded in facing her fears and letting people judgement not interfer her life as she decides to go for the name queen of heart due to the help of her friend Thalia.

Chapters after that are really beautiful and since I'm a big fan of poems, it seems like a collection of poem to me, highlighting everyone's success and defeat so beautifully it's almost painful. You asked me to focus on the character development and for me you did it perfectly.

However, I was first confused on who is actually speaking until I actually noticed every chapter's title. I will instead advise you to actually write : Kunboss POV on the initial page then under you start writing because readers like I may just be loss:-)

Also, I spoke of Eunice above, but there is also Cadence who spoke of his loneliness and sorrow after the death of his best friend Riley in such sincerity we can almost feel it. The fact that Cadence think of him moaning his friend more important than helping Thalia to find back her father is benefic to the story. Long are the days where we obsessed with perfect characters. We need something real, something that show us that they are human and in humanity jealousy, envy, selfishness and greed are aspect which is very present and should be showed in our novels. The world is not pink and some people are fighting battles others won't know off. If they choose themselves over others, sometimes it might be the only thing they can do.

Also, your writing style and the way you play with vocabulary and grammar is good too. Yet since the story is not yet edited, there are still some punctuation errors which you really need to take the time to look after since it might give another meaning to the sentence.

In general, the story is a good one especially for us who love to read of characters who fall and stand up again and again and who go through life not scared to rebuild their world time and over again even if that means with bleeding hands as long as they have those they live besides them.

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