Chapter four

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Y/n enters the meeting room in fear of people staring at her ...and yes she was right. Offcourse the dazzling blue dress was eye catching. The chairs were full and only one seat was left .

A young man pats the seat beside him , " Miss here is the seat "... his smile looked friendly.

Y/n nods and sits beside him .

Everyone was waiting for the a person to come and explain everything...

" Let us introduce ourselves?" , one lady spoke.

" Sure!"

" Hi I am Jake nice to meet y'all "
This guy was sitting infront of y/n...he smiled looking at y/n...

" Hello I'm Chaewon from Busan "

" I'm Karina and currently studying in college..btw it's my last year "

" Okay myself Jay and I'm korean american ... Nice to meet you everyone "

And everybody introduced themselves..
At last she spoke , " Park Y/n "

Jay : We would like to hear more about you

Jake : You seem like an interesting person

Y/n : What do you want to hear ?

Chaewon : umm can you say about your favourite model?

Y/n : I'm not into models and I have no idea about their names

They started laughing at her cute character...
" How can you be so cute?? ", one of them asks.

Y/n smiles ," Was that something funny ? That you all started laughing?"

Jay: No it wasn't funny ....( still laughing)

Y/n : Y'all are-

The door creaks open , and two people enters .
Seems like the were the ones who arranged all these.

The lady speaks ," Everyone nice to see you here ! This is Robert who will guide you further "

Robert spoke with his energetic voice , " Myself Robert and I will announce the most important thing ..ready??"

Everyone cheered ," READY !!!"

Robert: You 15 people are the luckiest . As out of the whole population here you got chosen . So lucky right?

So lucky , am i ? Isn't this funny?  .... Y/n thought.

Robert : We will be roaming around for fifteen days with lots of surprises waiting for you !! And if possible we might have Nishimura Riki going with us-

Someone cuts his words ," That means we will get to see him straight fifteen days???!!"

Robert : Yes but due to his spontaneous schedules we might miss few days in between

Y/n was still struggling to understand that why was the hype for a person? According to her he wasn't that known .

Karina : Woww I'm so lucky!! I will get to meet him !!

They all crazily prayed and discussed together about Riki .

But the only person who wasn't participating in the discussion was y/n and she caught the eyes of Robert .

Robert ( Pointing at y/n ): Are you not happy with the plan?

Y/n gets embarrassed," No I'm totally fine with it "

Robert : Your dress looks not fit for the meeting and it is really distracting

Jake looked at y/n ..he could feel that y/n was uncomfortable by his comment.

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