Chapter 2

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Y/n and Satoru then arrive at the scene to see Megumi in deep thought and about to...SUMMON MAHORAGA?!


Y/n shouts furiously at Megumi, who is surprised by his sudden appearance, Y/n marches right over to him and grabs him by his shirt, staring at him in anger. 

Megumi: Y-

Fortunately, there were more pressing matters at hand, Y/n lets go of Megumi and says-

Y/n: We'll talk about this later.

Gojo: So, You're the one who at the finger? *Gets incredibly close to Itadori's face, trying to figure out who he is.* 

Itadori: Yep, Sorry about that. 

Y/n stares at the kid, feeling something somewhat familiar about him but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. Gojo thinks for a second before laughing slightly.

Gojo: D*nm it really did combine with you, that's hilarious. *Steps back* Anything weird about your body? 

Itadori touches his chest, making sure everything felt right. Y/n continues to stare at Itadori, still on guard in case this is a trick. 

Itadori: Nah, Everything's okay.  

Y/n: Can you swap with Sukuna at will? 

Itadori: Sukuna? 

Gojo: Yeah, the curse you ate. 

Itadori: Oh, mhm *Nods* Yeah, I think I can do that.

Gojo then starts to stretch his legs with a smile on his face, Y/n, knowing what's about to happen starts slightly inching in front of Megumi, in case anything went wrong, though he is confident in Gojo's ability. 

Gojo: Okay, give us 10 seconds, and change right back into yourself. 

Itadori looked surprised and slightly worried as he expressed his concern. 

Itadori: Yeah, But- 

Gojo: Don't worry, I'm the strongest. 

Y/n slightly smiles at this statement, remembering the first time they met and how strong he viewed him back then, however that small smile was quickly wiped off his face once he remembered who Gojo was about to fight. 

Gojo: Y/n hold on to this for me *Tosses his bag towards him* 

Y/n catches the bags as he looks at Megumi, who's bleeding from the side of his head.

Y/n: You Good?

Megumi: Yeah, it's only a scratch. 

Just as Gojo was about to say something Sukuna jumped at him from behind. 

Megumi/Y/n: Satoru! /Watch Out!

There's a cloud of dust and suddenly Sukuna's down on all fours (PAUSE) in front of Y/n with Gojo sitting on top of him.  Sukuna gets angry and quickly stands up and tries to kick Gojo, but Gojo quickly moves out the way, Sukuna tries again but the results are the same. Gojo then appears behind him and leans back onto Sukuna, smirking.

Gojo: Both my students are watching, Mind if I show off a little?

Then at light speed Sukuna tries to backhand Gojo but he dodges and counters another one of Sukuna's attacks. Gojo then flings Sukuna into the air. 

Sukuna: 'He's unbelievably fast? No, that's not it.'

Before Sukuna can finish his train of thought Gojo punches the air, sending Sukuna flying back as he lands on the school guardrail. Sukuna then smiles. 

Sukuna: For crying out loud, *Turns around and starts running back towards Gojo* You Jujutsu Sorcerers are always trouble, *Jumps up at Gojo* No matter what era! 

His fist collides as the school building is destroyed by the sheer force behind Sukuna's punch. As the dust subsides all Y/n and Megumi could see was Sukuna, slightly worrying the two of them. 

Sukuna: *Smirks* Though that doesn't mean much to me.

Suddenly Sukuna's eyes widen as the dust clears even more and Gojo is seen to be standing there, unfazed, it's as if the attack never touched him. Gojo smiles, seeing the look of shock on Sukuna's face. 

Gojo: Seven. Eight. Nine. 

Megumi sighs, letting his guard down while Y/n stares intently at Sukuna, trying to figure out what his next move will be, would he give up and let Itadori come back, or attempt one final attack. 

Gojo: Should be Time. 

Just then, Sukuna stiffens as Itadori begins to regain control. 

Sukuna: 'Damn it, again? I can't take over. Who the hell is this Itadori Brat?'

Sukuna slowly starts to get drowsy as the marks covering Itadori's body start to disappear, signifying his retreat. Just then, Itadori comes back. 

Itadori: Oh, was everything Okay?

Just then the Rocks around Gojo fall as Y/n lets his guard down. 

Gojo: I'm shocked. *Smiles* You really can control it! 

Itadori pats his head and says-

Itadori: He's Kind of Annoying, though. I can hear his voice. *Pats his head again*

Y/n starts walking up to Itadori.

Y/n: It's a miracle that's all he's doing. *Places to fingers on Itadori's forehead, causing him to fall unconscious* Before he can fall to the ground though Y/n catches him. 

Megumi: What did you do?

Gojo: He knocked him out. If he isn't possessed by Sukuna when he wakes up, he might have potential as a vessel. 

Y/n looks at Itadori, trying to figure out why exactly he feels so familiar, just then Gojo walks up and puts a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. 

Gojo: You Okay? 

Y/n: Yeah...I'm fine. 

Y/n hands Itadori to Gojo as he past Megumi, Grabbing his arm and dragging him along with him.

Y/n: We have to talk.

Megumi sighs as he continues to be dragged off somewhere, preparing to endure a long lecture yet again. 


A/N: Sorry this chapter came out late, Originally, I was going to have Y/n fight Sukuna instead but felt like that was to soon, and I didn't want to leave out Gojo. 

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