"I don't know." Rain says, "I haven't decided yet."

"I hope not, but if we do it will be okay, Phi." Lys says. Rain thinks he will cry, how was he blessed with such a wonderful little sister?

Phayu is exhausted, and he should want nothing more than to go to the bed and breakfast and fall into bed. All he wants is to see Rain, to smell his sweet scent and hold him close. It's almost midnight and he thinks the omega must be in bed but he stops by his house anyway. He tells himself if the house is dark, he will wait until the morning to see Rain, but the lights are on, and he can see Rain's silhouette through the curtains.

Phayu knocks quietly on the door rather than ringing the bell, knowing Lys will be sleeping. Rain opens the door warily, but when he sees Phayu he almost falls into his arms.

"I missed you," Rain says.

Phayu looks at him closely and sees that he looks drawn and more than a little sad. "Can't sleep? Bad Day?" Phayu asks him.

Rain nods, "Better now that you are here. Come in, I was just having some tea."

"What's wrong?" Phayu asks when Rain sits a cup of tea in front of him.

"I told Lys tonight we might have to move back to Bangkok." Rain says.

Phayu frowns, "Was she upset?"

Rain laughs at this, "She said she would be sad, but we would be okay. I think my sister is secretly thirty, maybe I should be calling her Phi."

"Rain, you know that I could take care of you and Lys." Phayu says. It's been on his mind for a while now.

Rain's answering head shake isn't surprising. "I like you P'Phayu, maybe more than like, but I don't want to be taken care of. If we are going to have a relationship, I want to be an equal partner in it."

"So you are thinking about moving back to Bangkok, taking Pai up on his offer?" Phayu asks. A selfish part of him wants Rain in Bangkok so he will be closer.

Rain shrugs, "I'm sorry to be so indecisive with everyone. I know P'Pai deserves an answer on buying the bakery and if I want to move to Bangkok, it's just nothing feels right. Maybe I am trying to find the perfect solution or everything and it doesn't exist. I guess that is a part of being an adult is choosing the least bad solution."

"Being an adult doesn't mean having to give up on your dreams." Phayu tells him.

"It feels that way," Rain pauses then says, "I'm sorry that sounded whiny. I just mean I need to balance what I want with what's best for Lys."

"It didn't sound whiny at all," Phayu says, "I understand."

They fall silent for a while both wondering what the solution is and sipping their tea.

"I should go," Phayu says.

Rain looks at the clock in surprise, "It's past two am, I didn't even realize. Why don't you stay here tonight?"

Phayu raises an eyebrow and Rain quickly says, "I just mean to sleep. You look dead on your feet and we both need to be up in a few hours."

Phayu wouldn't mind more than sleep. He and Rain have shared a few kisses but nothing more, everything in Phayu is telling him to claim the omega for his own. However, Phayu actually is exhausted and when the time comes, he will leave that decision up to Rain.

Phayu doesn't even bother doing more than stripping down to his t-shirt and underwear. He lays on the bed that smells like Rain and is asleep before Rain even finishes taking his shower.

Sky snuggles into the alpha's arms, breathing in his scent. P'Pai is sleeping and Sky can give in and hold him close and hug him. He knows that P'Pai will eventually leave him, it's inevitable, but he has decided to just live for the moment and enjoy this while it lasts.

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