As the other continue to read it the pink haired boy turns around in his chair and looks at the class president smugly. 

Pink-Haired Boy: You really ought to be more careful not to underestimate our members president.   

Suddenly Sasaki abruptly stands up and takes a book from the bookshelf before slamming it down on the table. 

School President: *Referring to Sasaki* And what is that? 

Then, all three members slightly laugh. 

Sasaki:  You know about the school's rugby field being closed off, don't you? 

School President: Yes, some of the students who got sick actually had to be hospitalized. 

Sasaki then points her finger at the President as she speaks, 

Sasaki: So, you don't find that alarming? We're talking about some top players here. The players said that just before they started feeling sick, they heard mysterious sounds and voices coming from the field. And then, we found this newspaper article from 30 years ago. *Holds up newspaper* It talks about the disappearance of a certain Mr. Yoshida, who worked for the construction company. It says he was last sighted here at Sugisawa high school during its construction. 

The school president put a hand on his glasses and narrowed his eyes. 

Sasaki: Yoshida was struggling to make ends meet, so he turned to so he turned to lone sharks and those organizations were after him. Which means the whole mysterious disaster at the rugby field was caused by the vengeful spirit of Yoshida whose body is buried there! 

Sasaki finishes as the three idiots strike a pose and look absolutely stupid. 

The school President: No, actually it was just ticks. Hark ticks the be exact large blood-sucking bugs. If one bites you and infects with SFTS it can be fatal, so you have to be careful. 

Pink-Haired boy: So what if it was ticks the occult club is trying to uncover a cult activity so it's still a valid activity report!

Insisted The pink haired one, as the President put his fingers on his glasses and stared at him angrily. 

School president: This is not some kind of kids' game! Besides the biggest problem is you, Yuji Itadori! *Points at him* 

The boy now known as Itadori looked surprised and slightly confused.

School president: You registered for track and field not the occult club. So this club doesn't even have the three members required to be a club! 

Itadori looked shocked as his jaw dropped. 

Itadori: Uh-

Sasaki: You did that...

Itadori: But I'm sure I wrote Occult club. 

Suddenly a man probably between his 40's and 50's wearing a green tracksuit walked inside the room.

 ????: I'm the one who changed it! 

He announces as the Sasaki stands up from her chair in surprise. Annoyed, Itadori confronts the old man. 

Itadori: Couch Takagi! What for!? 

Takagi: Because Track and field team needs you on it. 

The class president: 'So says the only teacher more problematic than the students.

Itadori: How many times do I have to tell you I'm not joining the team!?

Takagi: You are! 

Itadori: No I'm not! 

Takagi: *Closes his eyes and looks up* However, I'm not some demon so if you can defeat me I'll excuse you from the chiefs. And we'll settle this fair and square by competing!  

Itadori smirks as Sasaki and Iguchi look on in confidence, knowing what Itadori was about to do. 

Itadori: That'll work!  

Class President: 'How fair and square is it to rewrite a student's Club application?'


Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Sasaki and Iguchi egging on Itadori

Location: Downtown


We now cut to Y/n walking around town with Satoru, who was looking at shops. 

Y/n: What are you looking at shops for Satoru-Sensei? 

Satoru: Oh, Nothing, Just trying to pass the time. 

Y/n raises an eyebrow as he looks at his Sensei curious as to what he could be waiting for. As they continue walking they come across a shop with all kinds of expensive clothing. Y/n looks at Satoru warily. 

Y/n: Sensei-

Unfortunately Y/n didn't get to finish his sentence as Satoru was already in the store picking out clothes.  Y/n just sighs and walks towards him. 

Y/n: Seriously, Don't you have enough already?

Satoru: *Looks at Y/n* You can never have enough expensive clothes Y/n. The ladies love them, trust me. 

Y/n: Have you even been in a relationship with a woman before?

Satoru: I'm just waiting for the right person. 

Y/n: So no. *Sighs* Well, since we're here I might as well get some clothes too. 

Satoru: That's the spirit!

Y/n just rolls eyes goes over to a different section, desperate to get away from Satoru's child-like attitude. Soon Minutes turn into hours and Y/n's only found two outfits that he likes. 

Outfit 1: 

 A more civilized look, definitely not something to wear while fighting curses

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 A more civilized look, definitely not something to wear while fighting curses. Though the curses would have to land an attack he didn't want to risk it. And the second outfit-

Satoru: Y/n! It's time to go, Megumi's called! 

Satoru yelled from across the front counter, breaking Y/n out of his thoughts. 

Y/n: 'Could he not be any louder?' *Making his way to the front* 

As he made it to the counter and paid for both the outfits, he walked outside the store with his bags to see Satoru standing there waiting on him. 

Y/n: What does Megumi need help with exactly? 

Satoru: He found the Sukuna finger. 

Y/n: Okay? So why do-

Satoru: Some kid ate it.

Y/n stared at Satoru silently for a second before he yelled at Satoru, who just turned his head towards his direction. 


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