1. Oh Fuck

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Imagine: waking up in someone else's bed rather than yours

He and his wife broke up before this, the plane incident is mentioned very briefly and COVID doesn't exist as it ruins the plot

Y/n is a middle child and is famous as well as being 24

April 24th 2020

Y/n's POV
I woke up in someone else's arms, internally screamed as I realized it wasn't just anyone

It was Andy Biersack/Andy Black (which ever one you prefer)

It was one thing because he's a celebrity it was another as not only was my baby sister obsessed with his band, also because I was there during the plane incident because not only we're him and his ex wife going after each other his ex wife attacked my little sister leaving her with a twisted ankle

It wasn't a good situation as you could imagine

Now I'm in his bed shortly after breaking things off with my famous ex who I was with late 2018 to just a few weeks ago

I moved my hand as it was numb and I couldn't feel it only to discover I was wearing two things

A wedding band and a diamond engagement ring which I know full good and well I wasn't wearing those earlier

I felt my heart race because what the hell am I going to do? I guess sending myself into cardiac arrest is a good idea.. Ok no I wouldn't want him waking up to a dead woman in his arms that's weird and disturbing for a lot of reasons

I didn't know what to do because I'm in a random man's bed, I don't remember how I got here and he's got his arms wrapped around me so I can only imagine what activities happened last night plus I can't tell if I'm naked because the blanket is too thick and covering me up to my neck

Eventually the blankets came off and fuck I'm completely naked

I want to die now, can I die now please?

I felt him moved and I make the conscious effort to cover myself as I don't want him seeing all this even though clearly he already has

I carefully sat up and so did he

I was nervous trying to compose myself because again what am I going to do?

His eyes widened as he realized who I was, the fact I didn't have clothes on (neither did he) and we both had wedding rings on and I had the diamond engagement ring on

"Holy shit" he said completely distraught, I managed to find my shirt underwear and pants so I put those on (no idea where my bra went but that's the least of my worries right now)

I fixed my hair a little bit because I know I looked busted as hell

He grabbed his phone which was just laying on the nightstand mine was at least plugged in

He was checking something I still didn't move, "oh fuck" he said in a tone that I couldn't deny that he was attractive but now wasn't the time for hormonal shenanigans

Andy looked at me seemingly apologetic "so I guess we're married" he said showing me his phone which had a video of us getting married at I don't even know where

I sighed frustrated because marriage at random is not a good thing

"We can get an annulment if that's what you want" Andy said I didn't say anything because again this is some alarming stuff

"Yeah I don't know how to feel on this one, I mean it's not every day you get married at random to a hot rock n roll dude" I laughed and he laughed smiled

"Well I can't deny you are extremely attractive either, I truly don't know what else to say other than are you ok?" He asked "oh yeah this is arguably the least concerning thing that has happened in my life" I answered honestly

He was seemingly alarmed by my answer but didn't say anything

"I'm not sure what else to say" Andy said clearly having ran out of ideas "well I mean given we're literally married, I suppose we could go get food as I don't know when the last time I ate was and I guess doing some learning of each other although my little sister never stopped talking about you so probably know things I shouldn't" I told him

Andy smiled and said "I like that idea although I'm worried about what you already know"

And now 3 almost 4 years later there still happily married, he's met Y/n's family and he has decided he's afraid of her little sister, she just kinda makes him nervous in ways seemingly unhuman or at least unhuman to him and his normal

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