+A slow rising+

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(Early on noteee!! I am not reliable or consistent and I'm sorry in advance! I do not proofread and I'm sorry about that! Good luck on my first story!)


I blinked my groggy eyes open yawning and stretching. I smiled as I stared at my blank ceiling and waited for my body to wake with me. I toss the covers back with a smile and grab one of the outfits my mother planned for me. I like it. It's simple really, jeans and a butterfly shirt. Today was an exciting day for me! In history we would learn about heroes and how they came to be! I quickly get dressed and out my night wear as I hear my mothers voice call out, "Nouvel! Dear, hurry up you'll make yourself late!" I giggle and run out. I felt a lot bigger nowadays. I was in the 3rd grade obviously, and it definitely felt more mature! "Coming mama!" I call out. I'm grinning widely my dark curly hair a hot fluffy mess from bed. I want to eat my breakfast and I rush to sit but my mama yanks me back. She says, "No breakfast when you look like that! Thought a wild animal was in my house!" Her tone was stern but playful enough that it was obviously meant to mess with me. I whine back, "Mamaaaa! I'm not a wild animal!" I'm not actually upset but she knows that, this is just how we've always shown love. We reach the bathroom and I see my hair in the mirror as my mom grabs some conditioner, oil, and gel. It's a mess, and I still have bed lines on my tan skin. I look at my mom while she starts to wet my hair with our blue spray bottle. Her hair is a light blonde, straight as a line. "Mama?" I say as I feel a few tugs from her undoing the tangles. "Yes dear?" She responds to show she's listening to me. I go on when I hear that, "Why is our hair so different? Yours is pretty and straight?" I then look at her skin and bright blue eyes, "And your skin and eyes are brighter to mama? My eyes are dull!" I've always known all this I just never felt like asking. She smiles and starts applying the oil to my frizzy hair. My mama finally speaks, "Well everyone is unique you know? Your hair is pretty and curly, many people love that. And if you ever see your eyes in the sun they are such a pretty baby blue. Every star is different but they all shine." It felt so poetic to me but it made me feel so much better. I looked at my hair as she added gel and scrunched it and I saw the beauty, I remembered all the photos from the beach where I had bright eyes. But it was getting to sweet and I was hungry so I started to whine again, "Mamaaaaa! I'm hungry!" She checked her phone and her eyes went a bit wide. "Grab a decent snack or we will be late!" She said sounding a bit tired. I smiled and ran to the pantry grabbing a bag of frosted crackers. She was putting her shoes on and grabbing her keys. She sighed as she saw them and handed me my backpack, I quickly put my shoes on and run to the car buckling as if it was a race. "I'm buckled!" I call out to my mama and she starts to drive. We don't live far from school so if I'm right it was a few minutes. She drops me off at the front and I yell as I get out, "LOVE YOU MAMA!" She yells back, "LOVE YOU TO! BE GOOD!" I give a thumbs up and run into the school rushing to my classroom and eating my crackers because class hasn't started yet. My mama doesn't trust the school food. I shove the few left in my bag when the teacher walks in. He starts up, "Good morning. So today we are going to vote to learn about heroes first or math first." I'm happy because I think everyone knows what's going to win. He speaks up, "Raise your hand for math." I roll my eyes at that one kid who raises their hand, always one person looking to be funny. "Now for heroes." He says. I shoot my hand up like almost all my other classmates, this is the most exciting thing they teach in my opinion. He laughs in this deep tone swiping his hand against his greying hair. He begins what I know will be a long story so I lean in, "The heroes today work in big companies and they get enough money to live a good life for how much they help us. For example they have to fight dangerous villains, robbers and save people from fires and other natural disasters. They have these powers because one of their ancestors from long ago where blessed by the gods, but some of the people who should be heroes turned evil. Those people are called villains. They hurt people and only care for themselves. So what people do we want to be like children?" He asks at last. I jump to answer my shout a bit louder then the many other voices, "Heroes!" That's what I wanted, to be a hero so I could help everyone. I then raised my hand and a question came to mind. He nodded at me, "Yes Nouvel?" I smile and ask, "Can you be a hero without any special powers?" He looks at me with a kind smile and responds, "No not really Nouvel. That should be left for people with powers because they can protect us much more than any normal person." His answer stung but I simply nodded and put my head down. I would find a way to be a hero anyways!

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