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What has been and what will be, it was all an illusion humans tend to believe. Fate is but a cruel master that drives this world into madness, like a merciless puppeteer who asserts dominion via strings and threads, no will can overcome such inevitable destiny.

“When will this unending cycle end?" His voice was tired and his eyes were exhausted. Hundreds of years had passed but not a single thing changed. From the eyes of the norm, cities grew and progress emerged, there was hope for the future but behind the deceiving curtains rests a fearsome truth.

In the far east of the vast oceans and continents stood a nation mighty and strong. Its leaders were revered and beloved by its citizens wherein loyalty was a simple feat, especially under a virtuous and magnificent head. Neuvillette is currently the ruling High Elder of the council. He is and always has been as no record in history where a predecessor existed before Neuvillette himself. He was like a god that sat on a throne, watching over the people and guiding them to a steady and unwinding path. Yet above the majority was a lonely space. Being loved and adored as an elder is far different from being held and embraced as a normal person. Neuvillette was never a common folk ever since the beginning of time. His origins were a mystery that even he questioned the existence he had soon come to accept.

“My Lord, is anything bothering you?" A voice called. It was vague yet the question was repeated several times until it woke the High Elder from his trance. Neuvillette blinked, pulling himself back to reality and face the concerned aide who was standing before him. He was in his study as usual, staring outside the windows and observing the birds and trees that rejoiced outside under the gentle breeze and bright sunlight. It was a peaceful day, nothing out of the ordinary. In his long life, Neuvillette came to embrace solitude. Yielding to emotions would only bring harm, not only to himself but to the people that surround him as well. The memories of that gruesome war still lingered within his mind and the grief that devoured him in the past barely diminished despite how many years have passed.

Sighing, he turned to the aide who was waiting for his words. With his busy schedule, he cannot manage to dwell in the past and with that in mind, he did his best to shove his painful memories into the back of his mind, locking them tight so it won't haunt him ever again. “My apologies, I was simply pondering over some matters.”

"You seem very distracted, my Lord. I could return if I was bothering you over something important.” The aide felt sympathetic, knowing his Lord, he wasn't a person who would space out amidst his work.

Neuvillette shook his head, a gentle smile curved on his thin lips. "You're not bothering me. Please, state your business.”

The human sighed. Even though he felt sad for his Lord, he still must keep him at bay, remind him of his schedule, and help him with his obligations and responsibilities. “The new General has been appointed by the council and has arrived in the palace today to meet you and offer his greetings, my Lord.”

" Ah, the new General…" Neuvillette silently admitted that he had forgotten about such an important occasion. The General is the leader of the imperial army and serves directly under the High Elder of the Kingdom. After the death of the previous one, the High Council debated for weeks before agreeing to one person who fits the role. “Very well, let us go meet him."

It wasn't Wriothesley's first time to visit the palace. He has been here several times while serving as a royal guard during his younger days. But today, he entered the gates as the new General, proud and dutiful. His comrades praised not only his intelligence and strength but also his kind and gentle personality. He is just and loyal, like a good subject should be which made him worthy of his current title.

“Please come this way, General." A servant greeted him at the entrance urging him to follow to where the High Elder awaits. Wriothesley nodded in gratitude and followed suit. He was nervous and tried to convince himself that it was only natural, after all, the High Elder was not a mere human like anyone else in the kingdom. He is a dragon that protects this very land and its people.

The Hall of the Dragon is a magnificent place. It is where the High Elder resides and where official and grand events are held. The ceilings were high, the cylinder columns were made of gold and jade, and the walls were engraved with intricate designs that depicted the past and present glories of the kingdom. Wriothesley could only stare in awe as his feet continued onwards just behind the servant. “My Lord, I present you the new General─”

" Wriothesley… ?" The servant was cut off by Neuvillette's shivering voice. Everyone in the hall was baffled and silence took over the four-walled chambers. It was the first and only time they had seen the great High Elder surprised and confused while staring at the General with wide eyes. The memories he tried to forget came rushing back into his mind as he gazed upon the face he was truly familiar with.

“O-Oh it's an honor for the High Elder to know my name." To break the deafening silence, Wriothesley spoke followed by a light chuckle in an attempt to lighten up the mood. Neuvillette's parted lips closed and his shocked face finally calmed, returning to its usual indifferent facade. Of course, it's not him… the voice in his mind spoke. They share the same face, the same name, even the way they speak, he was the spitting image of ‘him’ but without memories of their previous encounters and endeavors ─ without the feelings of love they once shared.

Fate has a terrible way of playing its game that even the dragon sovereign himself despises it. His beloved finally returned to his side donning a similar face and name but not the same entity that he once loved and cherished. He asked himself if it was worth the risk, doubting if he could still bear the weight of suffering if history repeats itself and this human ceases to exist. However, buried deep inside his heart was a person who yearns for the love he once lost.

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Art credits to KeyadeArt @ X (formerly Twitter)

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