Intoduction Chapter

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Name- Ray Graves
Gender- Male
Hight- 5,9.5
Hair Length- Mid
Hair Color- black, dyed it a lil.
Eye Color- Yellow( ignore the pic plz)
Interesting Facts- Has earrings, Wears a mask to his scars on his face, Likes wearing jackets, Doesn't like being awoken by Ashley.

Name- Andrew Graves
Gender- Male
Height- 5,9
Hair Length- A lil less than mid
Hair Color- Black
Eye Color- Green
Interesting Facts- Wears a black sweater a lot of the time, gets annoyed most of the time.

Name- Ashley Graves
Gender- Female
Height- 5,6
Hair Length- lil more than mid
Hair Color- Black
Eye Color- Pink
Interesting Facts- Loves to spend time with her siblings, Gets Entertained by annoying Andrew, Wears some revealing clothes sometimes.

Just to let y'all know, Ray was included in helping get rid of $$$$$. You know that one girl that Ashley (cough) (cough) "sent away". Anywaysssss, hope y'all enjoy and letting you know this might not be good.

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