You are very kind to write to an old biddy like myself, I know you young folks have more to think about at this time in your lives. I also appreciate your group taking in my Finny. He has struggled to make friends...and I know his brother doesn't help. My high-spirited Sirius needs a bit more of a firm hand that he is clearly not getting. To have your friends welcome him so warmly has already made a difference in him—he has more confidence in himself and just seems brighter. Please pass my regards onto your friends.

Feel free to write me anytime,

Warmest regards,


You sighed happily at the note, sipping your tea as you stowed your others from Anne and Bonnie Drake for later as you got ready to head to The Keep. Your friends all rose as you nipped to Finn's side.

"I got a lovely note from your gran." you said with a cheerful smile up at the Slytherin. He beamed back at you.

"She mentioned that in her note to me. She really did appreciate you writing to her, she likes snippets about life at Hogwarts and normally she only hears from me."

"I will certainly be keeping up the correspondence." you gently took Ominis arm when he offered it to you. Garreth and Natty caught your eye from across the hall before quick-stepping ahead, signaling they would meet you there.

"Lady Alacaré had news of Marvolo as well...seems his stock has fallen with The Ton." you muttered to the blonde, who attempted to school his pleased features.

"I may have overheard something along those lines from some of Sirius' lot. Wizard high society do love to appear fashionable—and thankfully appalling behaviour is no longer in style. Poor Marvolo." he said in the most insincere tone possible, delight tinting his mock sorrow.

Your friends stifled their laughs as you moved out of the hall, listening as Ominis whispered about an incident he overheard, where his luckless brother had been rather sharply cut from a guest list for a high profile event.


You found a small patch of soft grass under a tree in the Vivarium, with Sugar already trotting across the pasture towards you. Your friends had wanted to do homework as well as some flying in the sunny space, with teens spreading out with books and scrolls. You had wanted to read through the rest of your letters as well as have a chance to reply, so had found a quiet spot to settle down.

"Hello my sweet little Sugar." you cooed at the pearly Mooncalf, who didn't hesitate to climb onto your lap, turning once before settling on your legs. You cuddled and fussed over the little beast, giving her a few strokes with the brush from Poppy to straighten a patch of stray hairs. You had already spent much of Wednesday grooming her, finding it incredibly relaxing to care for the docile creature.

"You want to read some letters with me?" you asked, cocking your head to catch her massive mismatched eyes. The Mooncalf didn't seem to understand what you had asked but snuggled her soft head under your chin as her eyes started to droop. You chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes."

You read the letter from Bonnie first, smiling at the sweet woman's untidy handwriting as she answered some of your follow up questions on the Whip. She was kind to include a list of books in the library she thought you might like, and to your delight one of her own.

Picking up Anne's letter you sighed as you idly stroked the sleeping beast. Splitting the lilac seal, you were surprised to find an envelope within the letter. Setting the inner package aside, you eagerly began to read.

My Dear Dutch,

I do hope this owl finds you well. Thank you for the Spicy Treacle Tart, both my uncle and I enjoyed it immensely. I am surprised you allowed Sebastian's suggestion of chilli powder—but it actually worked deliciously! Maybe I should lend my brother more credit with his new hobby, he may have a natural gift with flavours. You must have more patience than I have...I would often chase him out of my kitchen when he would get underfoot. Though, he was mostly trying to nick ingredients to snack on.

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now