Books, Balance, Barbs and Black

Start from the beginning

You let out a controlled breath as you looked to your mentors. Fig's eyes held equal parts pride and worry, while Miriam just gave you an approving nod.

Professor Ronen let out a sad sigh.

"I was so hoping this was going to be a surprise party of some sort—though the 'surprise' I suppose is still present. Oh my dear child." and he set his warm brown eyes on you. "I can only commend you on maintaining such a cheerful disposition and dedication to your studies while also carrying this weight—this responsibility. Thank you for trusting us, my brave Slytherin."

Your other Professors nodded—though a few looked deep in thought as they related your sequence of events to their own observations and worries.

Onai looked up with an arch expression.

"This certainly explains a lot, my young rogue. I have been having difficulty lately divining events even only a few days ahead—I get such contradictory predictions. If everything we are experiencing has happened before—but was changed by having this warning sent through time..." she sighed with a hand to her head. "Stars guide and protect us. I fear we may be heading into quite uncharted territory in regards to—unpredictable magic."

Hecat stepped forward, with her colleagues turning to see how the formidable witch would react.

"The power of time is not something I thought a person could wield as they would a spell." she said softly with disbelief. "Such magic is highly dangerous and if it fell into the wrong hands—we cannot allow Ranrok to get it. That goblin has been itching to start a war for decades—and he seems to have finally found his edge."

Miriam nodded grimly.

"Thankfully though, we have ours." and she reached to grip your hand with a meaningful look before setting the adults with a remorseful grimace. "Sadly, this situation is of our own making. Wizard prejudice against goblins and non-human magical beings is what bore his rage and led him—and many goblins to hate us all. Ranrok's brother told me that it was a wizard's cruelty and selfishness that corrupted his heart. While that is no excuse for his actions, we must accept some of our blame on this matter."

You saw your professors all look down, Garlick biting her lip as she twisted a long gnarled root in her fingers in a nervous display. Sharp seemed to be having some inner argument, his eyes flicking to you as he worked through his thoughts. You watched Professor Weasley pull a lock of her flaming hair and worry it with her long fingers while Howin picked at the heavy leather on her arm guards, her face unreadable.

Kagowa was rubbing the back of her neck before she sighed, rolling her shoulders and lifting her chin with a determined eye.

"So what can we do? How do we help you?" she asked, meeting your gaze. You saw the rest of the Professors all regain their spirits to quickly and stoutly pledge their assistance.

You felt a weight lift as you realised that none of them were headed for the door—or to cart you off to an asylum. You smiled cheerfully, your eyes glittering.

"You have all already been helping me by getting me caught up on my studies—starting as a fifth-year has not done me much favor in regards to my education." you then caught the Potion master and your Defense tutors' eyes. "Thank you both for the additional lessons—they have already proved invaluable. As well as your clever note, Professor Ronen." you added with a cheeky smile at your head of house.

The teachers nodded humbly, with Ronen appearing chuffed he was already unknowingly helping.

As they discussed elements of your story, you noticed that the way they looked at you seemed to have changed slightly. Where you were once just another student—you were now an ally in a foretold fight barreling down on all of you. You sat up a little straighter, attempting to keep your gaze level with the talented and brilliant adults around you.

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now