Pacts, Purrs and Potions

Start from the beginning


"Theophilus Harlow. He has been blackmailing and kidnapping people up and down Hogsmeade and beyond. He has no regard for life—beast or wizard." she spat ruefully.

"If that is the case, then why haven't the Aurors arrested him?"

Natty huffed as she paced with irritation.

"Auror Singer says she needs proof. I was actually close to getting some recently—but that's when someone ratted me out to my mother."

You gave her a confused look and she continued.

"I followed Harlow to The Hogshead—it's a rather rough pub in Hogsmeade. I spotted him with a letter that would prove he was a criminal—I wanted to steal it to show Singer but I was caught and thrown out."

"Why would a letter prove he was a criminal to Singer?"

"The seal on the letter was from Victor Rookwood. He is wanted by the ministry and if I could prove they are in cahoots together and that they are committing crimes—she could go after him."

You had kept your face surprisingly impassive as your heart stuttered a nervous staccato at the mention of Rookwood. You watched your sweet Gryffindor friend—the fear of her coming across the dark wizard—of ending up like Anne or worse, already starting to rattle your bones.

"Harlow is in league with Rookwood?" you clarify carefully.

Natty nodded.

"I know they are. They were even spotted together—wait, you saw him! You were at the Broomstick when Rookwood was bothering Sirona weren't you? I thought I heard that from someone."

Your mind cycled back to the confrontation in the tavern. You're attention at the time had been focused on the grizzly wizard trying to capture you—but there had been another man flanking him—a pasty brute in a bowler hat.

"Yes—I think I remember him." you mutter.

"Why were they in the Broomstick at all?" asked Poppy, who was now sitting on a log, carefully plucking tiny yellow berries off a branch she had cut, dropping them in a jar.

You bit your lip as you looked away in apparent interest in a purple mushroom growing off a large tree—but Natty caught you.

"You know, I have been spending a lot of time in Hogsmeade as of late, listening to whispers and rumors. Your name has floated past my ear a few times—in some less than reputable circles. I also heard you encountered a troll on the very day you saw Harlow and Rookwood—is it possible you are involved with this somehow?" Natty had moved to your side to catch your eye, a warm hand finding yours.

You sighed and gripped her fingers.

"Yes. I am." you uttered softly, your voice cracking with emotion. You looked up into her concerned eyes as you heard Poppy say your name in a soothing voice.

"Hey, it's ok—you don't have to tell us." Poppy rushed with a nervous look as she quick-stepped to your side. You smiled down at her and shook your head.

You pulled out your wand and muttered a quick spell, the sounds of the forest dampening around you. You then led Natty and Poppy towards a fallen log and had them sit on either side of you.

"What I am about to tell must remain a secret—but I feel that you need to know. Honestly, I was quite happy you both wanted to come's why I didn't invite anyone else."

You picked up Poppy's hand and gave it a friendly squeeze. She looked up at you with a shy smile.

"Before I tell you everything, I want you to know your options." and you paused to collect your thoughts as you felt Natty lace her fingers with yours, running a comforting thumb over your knuckle.

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now