11: A place called home

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Nezu looked at the test I just made, his permanent smile faltering for a moment.

Crap, I knew I should have practiced instead of sleeping and doodling at the Aizawa's.
I flinched, "I—I'll do better—"

"No." Nezu flipped the page and looked at the answers on the back.
Then Nezu folded his paws and smiled once more.
"Did per chance, anything happen yesterday that I am not aware of?"

I shook my head, "No, nothing special."
What had I done wrong? Was it the test? I was don't pretty quickly so...

"Nothing?" Nezu pressef, "Nothing at all??"

Glancing away seemed like the right thing, though as I found a speaker in the top corner of Nexu's office, it didn't seem so anymore.

"Fuck." I froze up and stayed staring at it, dread filling me.

"Aha, so something did happen," Nezu said in triumph, looking up at the speaker as well, "I wonder... what would give you this reaction... a speaker...?"

It took me a second, but I looked away, finding Nezu patiently waiting for me.
"What did I do wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," Nexu said, "Perfect score, within only a few minutes, I take pride."

"Oh..." I let out as I blinked in confusion, "Then..."

"What happened to up your score and time?" Nezu asked before I could gather my words.

It only took me twenty more seconds before I walked from Nezu's office.
"I'll see you next lesson," Nezu said, amused though still curious as to what changed my score.

As I walked outside, I almost missed Aizawa before he stopped me.

"Arent you supposed to be in class with Nezu?" He asked.

I shrugged, clutching the strap of my bag, "I left."

"Alright, you want a ride home?"

I frowned.

"Yeah, I thought since you sleep at our's all the time, you might as well call it home—"

I shook my head. "No."

Walking away from Aizawa, I found a staircase and practically ran down until I nearly fell and slowed down my pace.

Home? Why would I call the Aizawa's my home?
There was simply zero way I even could, I didn't want to lose a home again.

"Hold up," someone grumbled once I walked outside.

I sighed tiredly, looking up from my thoughts to face a familiar hedgehog looking guy.
"What do you want?"

Hitoshi stood a while off, talking to Midoryia and Iida. He saw me and gave me a look I couldn't decipher.

"What do I want?" The hedgehog asked, "What do I want? You're the one who used your quirk against me—"

"Get over it," I snapped as I balled my fists, "At least you have emotions to feel annoyed at it!"

I couldn't go around me. I couldn't change it even as it slowly left me again.
I was angry.

My eyes wide at the discovery, I almost missed Hitoshi walking up to the scene.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, giving the hedgehog a dangerous glare.

"Yeah..." I whispered, staring down at how my fists slowly relaxed.

Hitoshi noticed and took one of my hands, "It's okay, let's just head inside."

Once more, he send Hedgehog a dangerous glare before he led me inside.
I didn't struggle, I would simply take a different route off the grounds to avoid people, sounds easy?

"We could ask dad or pap for a ride home," Hitoshi shrugged as he walked to where Mic would be by now.

I frowned as I rebooted, "Your home is not my home."

"Still," Hitoshi didn't drop it, "We could ask a ride there."

Opening my mouth to protest, I remembered how nice it was at the Aizawa's.

"Great, and try not to run into Bakugo again, okay?"

"Baku who now?"

For the remainder of the walk, Hitoshi proceeded to laugh at me for not knowing everyone from the 1A class yet.
It had only been a few weeks? Why would I be knowing everyone's names already?
It's not like I talked to everyone.

At the Aizawa' I sat on the couch, a blanket to warm me, a bag of chips (or crisps) in between me and Hitoshi while we watched the tv.
The sun went down and Aizawa called bedtime, making Mic sound his disappointment the loudest.

I volunteered to put some stuff back in the kitchen, and Aizawa followed.

"I forgot to ask," Aizawa said as he cleaned up some stuff the cat had messed up. "How was school today?"

I shrugged and tiredly closed the last cupboard, "I don't know, I'm just glad to be home—"

It was a small mistake, although in my eyes it was rather big as I froze up.

Suddenly Aizawa gave me a hug.
"I'm glad you're home as well."

That night, I couldn't help myself but to feel content. Content with not feeling what I wanted, content with where I was and who I was with.


Blood dripped from the knife as the girl woke up from her daze.
Getting up, she looked down at the body.
Drip, the blood went, dripping down on the floor.

"Told ya," the girl mumbled, just to break the silence, "I would kill ya."

Stumbling outside, she squinted at the bright light.

Sitting in an alley, the girl closed her eyes.
If only she could forget everything...

The days that followed seemed blank.
It got so blank, that eventually the girl started wishing to feel again. To have another taste of what it was like.
She didn't want to remember anything else though, but as she found a picture in the paper, she couldn't help but to cut it out and to take it with her.

The wish to feel something again, dragged her down only more, until she stumbled into a person.

Blood dripped down her arms.
The sound was soft, though in here ears,

It was so god damn loud.

A permanent smile (dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now