Lavender and Lists

Start from the beginning

"Yes! I am dreadfully lost. I am trying to get to Arithmancy before I'm late." you admit. Natty gave you a wide smile before raising her brows at her tiny companion, who quick-stepped to your side.

"That's so lucky, we're headed there too!" Poppy beamed. Natty gave you an affectionate look, before looping her arm though yours, while the Hufflepuff flanked your other side, sandwiching you between them.

"Then let us escort you, my wayward friend." Natty laughed, pulling you towards a door that you swore was not there the last few times you had been around. You thanked them both profusely, happy not only to have companions on the journey, but to join you in learning about magical numbers.


Arithmancy ended up making a lot of sense to you—theoretically.

The classroom turned out to be hidden in the rafters near the viaducts. You were enchanted by the strange door leading to the classroom. The windowless space felt like a secret you were being let in on, with moody lighting and strange symbols decorating the walls.

You and Natty wedged your Hufflpuff friend between you at a desk, pulling out your notebooks as other students chatted while waiting for the professor.

Professor Riddack was a surprisingly young witch with a rosy face and soft voice. She stood at the front and greeted the class brightly before launching into a lesson about numbers and their relationship to magic, standing on her tiptoes to write on the blackboard.

After a short lecture, Riddack assigned a few basic problems to find the numerical relationship between two different magical elements.

"Isn't Professor Riddack great? She has only been teaching for a few years." remarked Poppy, having finished her assigned problems before you or Natty.

You nodded, glancing at the little witch who was helping a Ravenclaw with their equation.

"Why have I never seen her before." you ask, thinking you had never caught sight of the little blonde at dinner or in the halls.

"Oh she doesn't live here, she lives in Hogsmeade. She has two young children with her partner—I think he works for the ministry? Anyways, she commutes." explained Natty. You smiled appreciatively at this, pleased that it was possible to be a mum and a professor in the magical world.

You continued to diligently work through your problems, using your knowledge of maths you had learned in school to help form your understanding of the complex subject.

Once you had finished and decided your final answers—you checked and were pleased to see you had reached the same conclusions as your friends.

Natsai then ducked her head to covertly whisper to you and Poppy about a little piece of gossip she had heard in Gryffindor house that morning. It concerned two seventh years, a bottle of fire whiskeys and a secluded closet—with a boggart in it. As the class wrapped up you and Poppy were working hard to stifle your giggles and blushes.

The kind Professor then caught up with you as you were leaving to give you a few additional assignments and offer her support. With a hearty smile of encouragement, she waved you, Natty and Poppy out the door, on your way down towards the Library to spend a few hours before dinner.


After gathering a few books and collecting your notes, the three of you found a quiet corner to read and study. You were pleased to find a tea cart close by, quick-stepping to make up three steaming cups, trying to commit your friends' tea preferences to memory for the future.

After settling into a high backed chair you were about to open your Charms book when you felt something poke you through your robes.

Anne's letter.

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