Rooks and Knights

Start from the beginning

"Also—I suppose I did assault you first." you chuckled, pulling away to look up at his face, an unreadable expression watching you before he finally gave a crooked grin.

"That is very true, Bash. Well, then—now that we have gotten your wand, taken down a troll and are all patched up—how about that drink?" he pulled away—but held onto one of your hands, giving you a careful look, as if asking permission. You tightened your grip on him.

"We don't want to get separated do we? A well-earned drink sounds delightful. Lead on, Mr.Sallow."


The streets of Hogsmeade were considerably emptier than they had been before the troll attack. You watched as witches and wizards cast repair charms on broken window boxes and smashed fences. Many students had turned tail and headed back to the castle after the fearsome battle.

Sebastian guided you towards the large gabled building he had pointed out during your morning tour. You were starting to feel better after the stress and chaos of the troll attack—excited to try one of the famous butter beers you had heard about from your friends.

"You will love the Broomstick—Sirona tells the best jokes." commented Sebastian as he sped up.


Your heart clenched as you thought of the letter to Lodgok. The Ravenclaw had told him to stay with Sirona—was it the same person? Eager to discover the answer you joined in quickening your steps.

As you turned a corner though, your feet stuttered to a stop on the stone as you felt a wave of nausea and—terror.

"Bash?" Sebastian looked back at you with concern as you spun your head around, emotions keyed up as you realised you had felt this feeling before.

Ranrok. Corrupted magic.

Before you could try and locate the source of the terror—you heard raised voices coming from somewhere below you.

"Stay behind me." you whispered and ducked to follow the voices down a side alley, peering down a staircase at a group of men—and Ranrok.

The red-eyed goblin was arguing with a tall wizard in a top hat.

"—I just watched the girl obliterate your distraction—with magic like I have never seen. Who or what is she—why is she so important?" said the man, pacing in front of the goblin.

"That is none of your concern, wizard. I want her. That's all you need to know." growled Ranrok, lip curling as he glared at the dark-haired man.

You felt Sebastian crowd you, his hands finding your hips as he loomed protectively over you, bringing his lips to your ear.

"Are they after you?" he breathed, a tremor in his voice. You met his eyes out of your peripheral and gave a curt nod, biting your lip before looking back at the agitated wizard.

"You want her? Sounds like you want her dead, Ranrok. I know your kind cannot appreciate the magic we are capable of, but after what I saw her do—I just hope you're not killing a golden goose." he warned.

Ranrok snarled and turned his gaze away from the man—straight into your eyes.


"We need to move." you gritted, backing up as the man in the hat turned and met your eyes—a dark smile growing as he started up the steps after you.


Sebastian ran beside you as you ducked down another spindly alley.

"What the hell are you caught up in, Bash? Ranrok? That mad goblin from the prophet—and Rookwood?"

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now