The Best Defence is...

Start from the beginning

Professor Hecat immediately enthralled you as she began telling you the importance of good defence, and the dangers of dark magic. The quill in your hand never stopped taking notes as you wanted to capture everything.

You knew, especially in light of yesterday's events—that you wanted to be able to defend yourself effectively—defend the people you care for.

As she continued her lecture, you thought you caught your desk companion rolling his eyes as Hecat doubled down on her warning about the dark arts and the potential for real risk. He wasn't taking notes and honestly seemed more concerned with what you were scribbling than what the professor was saying.

"Alright then. Enough theory. Wands at the ready—we are practicing Levioso today. Unsorted, please come see me."

Happy to have a reason to escape the Sallow boy—who still looked primed to talk to you again, you leapt up and skirted over to Professor Hecat. She wanted to show you the spell as well as discuss some additional assignments she had thought would help you catch up.

After a few minutes of review and practice you began to get the hang of the levitation charm, successfully lifting the practice dummy off the ground with a flick of your wand. You could already see the combat benefits of taking an opponent off their feet.

You listened as the classroom filled with excited shouts and giggles as students lifted each other off the ground in swirls of purple magic. You heard the Sallow boy laughing loudly as he lifted a gangly red-hair boy into the air.

You cast another Levioso at the dummy, launching it upwards, you then sent a few well-placed basic casts at it, pushing it backward. You noted the impact of gravity and momentum as you thought about how the spell could be used in battle.

"Well done my dear. I hope this quick study bodes well for you catching up with your classmates. I think you are about ready for your first duel." and with that she cleared a path between the desks and placed you on one end.

Scanning the young faces in front of her she stopped on her chosen victim.

"Mr. Sallow. Seeing as you seem to have boundless energy, take your mark against our new student—and do try to be nice."

"Try to be? I am nice, professor." countered the Slytherin as he sauntered to the opposite side of the room, his wand dangling from his fingertips.

You narrowed your eyes on the boy as he looked up to address you.

"Just can't stay away from me, can you Mystery Girl?" he commented, a confident smile filling his boyish features. "Sebastian Sallow by the way—I would have introduced myself earlier but you seemed—in a hurry."

You felt your face start to burn and your palms sweat but you jutted your chin up, forcing yourself to speak.

"Ah yes—about that. I-uh mistook you for someone else this morning. You know—first day chaos and all that. A simple mistake —and my name isn't Mystery Girl." you added flatly.

Sebastian looked a little deflated at your excuse but quickly recovered to shoot another smug look.

"But you are still such a Mystery! Unsorted, starting in year five? No, I think it suits you."

Irritation started to trickle down your spine as you eyed the boy.

Why do I equally want to hug him and punch him in the damn face?

"Alright. Enough pre-duel talk. Wands up. First to knock their opponent off the platform, wins." announced Hecat.


The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now